rahuln / parallel-demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Demo to show parallelization using joblib and gridmap.

Setting up the environment

To install all necessary dependencies, run: /path/to/miniconda/bin/conda-env create -f environment.yml

To activate the environment, run: source /path/to/miniconda/bin/activate demo

Running jobs in parallel locally

Use the tmux command to start a new session. You can split a horizontal pane using Ctrl-B %, a vertical pane using Ctrl-B ", and switch between panes using Ctrl-B o. Create a separate pane and run htop to observe running processes. Switching to the original pane, run:

python gridmap_demo.py

To use gridmap for parallelization, or

python joblib_demo.py

To use joblib. When you start the demo, you should see additional CPUs being used in htop. The demos work by generating a random sequence of values and splitting the values across jobs, each of which computes the sum and count of the values assigned to it. These numbers are then aggregated to compute the mean of the values. You can edit the number of jobs and number of random value generated using the command-line arguments --njobs=<njobs> and --N=<N>, respectively.

Running jobs in parallel using SGE

For gridmap_demo.py, you can also use the command-line argument --sge to run jobs in parallel using Sun Grid Engine (SGE). This distributes jobs across multiple machines (if available) using a scheduler, rather than running processes just on the machine you're SSH'ed into. To observe jobs being queued, running, and finishing, open a separate pane in tmux and run

watch -n 1 qstat

To delete a job if it hangs, run

qdel <jobid>

Where the <jobid> for each job is printed by qstat.



Language:Python 100.0%