rahuln / instr-perf-pred

Code for running experiments that train models to predict the performance of instruction-following models

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Predicting the Performance of Instruction-tuned Models

This repository contains code to run the experiments described in:

Third-Party Language Model Performance Prediction from Instruction
Rahul Nadkarni, Yizhong Wang, Noah A. Smith
arXiv 2024

NOTE: In order to clone the repo, you will need to have git-lfs installed - see this link for details.

Setting up environment

The environment.yml file contains all of the necessary packages to use this code. We recommend using Anaconda/Miniconda to set up an environment, which you can do with the command:

conda-env create -f environment.yml

Downloading instruction datasets

To download the versions of the Super-NaturalInstructions and BIG-bench datasets we use to evaluate instruction-following models, run the following command:

bash scripts/prepare_data.sh

This will download all the necessary files to the data directory.

Reconstructing instruction-tuned models

For the open instruction-tuned models, we use LLaMA-based models trained using the open-instruct codebase with checkpoints that can be found in the HuggingFace model repository. To download these models, first submit a request for the LLaMA base models. Then download the HuggingFace model diffs for the instruction-tuned models that you want to use; for our experiments, we primarily use allenai/open-instruct-stanford-alpaca-13b, allenai/open-instruct-sharegpt-13b, and allenai/tulu-13b, as well as larger versions of the sharegpt models. Finally, you can use the provided weight_diff.py script to reconstruct each instruction-tuned model by merging the base model and weight diff as follows:

python scripts/weight_diff.py make_diff --path_raw {path_to_base_model} --path_tuned {path_to_output_directory} --path_diff {path_to_weight_diff}

Once the models have been set up, you should set the $MODEL_DIR environment variable to point to the directory where these models are stored. For the closed instruction-tuned models, we use the OpenAI API to run model evaluation -- see below for details.

Building training datasets

Main metrics (ROUGE-L and Exact Match)

To build each performance prediction training dataset, we first need to evaluate an instruction-tuned model on an instruction dataset.

For the open LLaMA-based models, there is a run_eval.py evaluation script that can be found in the eval directory for each dataset, e.g., for Super-NaturalInstructions (SuperNI) the script is eval/superni/run_eval.py. Example usage for these scripts can be found in the llama_eval*.sbatch Slurm scripts that are set up to run the evaluation in the scripts/sbatch directory, e.g., scripts/sbatch/llama_eval_superni.sbatch.

For the closed OpenAI models, the corresponding evaluation script is the run_openai.py script, e.g., for SuperNI this is eval/superni/run_openai.py. Example usage for these scripts can be found in the run_openai*.sh BASH scripts in the scripts directory, e.g., for SuperNI this is scripts/run_openai_superni.sh.

Once you've run the evaluation for an instruction-following model on a specified dataset, you can convert the evaluation results to a .CSV file that contains the dataset of {instruction, metric} pairs used to train a performance predictor model. This can be done using the convert_eval_results_to_perf_pred_dataset.py script as follows:

python scripts/convert_eval_results_to_perf_pred_dataset.py {path_to_eval_results_dir} {path_to_output_file} --predictions_fname {path_to_eval_predictions_jsonl_file}

Loss metric

If you want to run performance prediction on the loss metric, you will need to run an additional evaluation to compute the loss scores (this can only be done for SuperNI). To do this, you will run the eval/superni/run_score_completions.py script; a Slurm script with an example of how to do this can be found at scripts/sbatch/score_completions.sbatch. Once you've computed the per-task average loss scores, you will need to merge them with the dataset file you created above that contains the other per-task evaluation metric values. To do this, you can run the following command:

python scripts/combine_scores_with_perf_pred_dataset.py {path_to_csv_file} {path_to_per_task_scores_file} --outfile {path_to_output_file}

Fine-tuning performance predictors

Once you've generated the .CSV file for the performance prediction training dataset you want to use, you can fine-tune a performance predictor model using several different scripts. For RoBERTa models, you can use the script at scripts/run_perf_pred_roberta.py, with an example Slurm script for training RoBERTa performance predictors across a hyperparameter grid located at scripts/sbatch/instr_grid_random_roberta.sbatch. For LLaMA-based performance predictors, the corresponding script is scripts/run_perf_pred_llama.py with an example Slurm script located at scripts/sbatch/instr_grid_random_llama_lora.sbatch.

Aggregating results

To see the final performance prediction results, you can use the script aggr_perf_pred_results.py which will aggregate all the results into a pandas data frame, allowing you to index specific columns to access certain results. To see the simple mean baseline results, use the script compare_to_mean_baseline.py to calculate the RMSE values resulting from using the mean baseline and print them out alongside the main performance prediction results.


Code for running experiments that train models to predict the performance of instruction-following models


Language:Python 94.2%Language:Shell 5.8%