rahulg / rustbus

Dbus transport in pure rust

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Rustbus implements the dbus specification for local unix sockets. It is not a bus implementation but a library that enables clients to communicate over the dbus daemon.

This was created by only reading the spec at https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html. While I made some false assumptions when implementing the spec that was mostly my fault. The document seems to be enough to write a working implementation without looking at others code.

What does this provide?

This libary provides the means to send and receive messages over a dbus bus. This means: signals, calls, and (error)replys. It also provides some standard messages for convenience. There is also a MessageBuilder to help you conveniently build your own messages.

Dbus does technically work over any transport but this currently only supports unix streaming sockets. Support for other transports should be rather simple, but they require the implementation of some other authentication mechanisms.

Transmitting filedescriptors works. The limit is currently set to 10 per message but since dbus-daemon limits this even more this should be fine.

State of this project

There are some tests for correctness and the dbus-daemon seems to generally accept all messages sent by this lib.

Interoperability with libdbus is not yet thorougly tested, but the dbus-monitor tool correctly displays the signals sent in the 'examples/sig.rs' example which uses pretty much all different types that can occur.

The unmarshalling has been fuzzed and doesn't panic on any input so far. If you wanto to help fuzzing, just use the command: cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz_unmarshal

How to use it

There are some examples in the examples/ directory but the gist is:

use rustbus::{get_session_bus_path, standard_messages, Conn, Container, params::DictMap, MessageBuilder};

 fn main() -> Result<(), rustbus::client_conn::Error> {
     // Connect to the session bus
     let session_path = get_session_bus_path()?;
     let con = Conn::connect_to_bus(session_path, true)?;

     // Wrap the con in an RpcConnection which provides many convenient functions
     let mut rpc_con = rustbus::client_conn::RpcConn::new(con);

     // send the obligatory hello message
     rpc_con.send_message(&mut standard_messages::hello(), None)?;

     // Request a bus name if you want to
     rpc_con.send_message(&mut standard_messages::request_name(
     ), None)?;

     // send a signal to all bus members
     let mut sig = MessageBuilder::new()
         Container::Struct(vec![162254319i32.into(), "AABB".to_owned().into()]).into(),
     rpc_con.send_message(&mut sig, None)?;


Dbus transport in pure rust

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 100.0%