rahulbobhate / clarifai-java

Clarifai API Java Client

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Clarifai Java Client

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A simple client for the Clarifai image and video recognition API.


Maven: add the following to the dependencies section of your pom.xml:


Gradle: add the following to the dependencies section of your build.gradle:

compile "com.clarifai:clarifai-api-java:1.2.0"

Getting Started

To get a list of tags (objects, concepts, emotions, etc.) for an image or video on the filesystem:

ClarifaiClient clarifai = new ClarifaiClient(APP_ID, APP_SECRET);
List<RecognitionResult> results =
    clarifai.recognize(new RecognitionRequest(new File("kittens.jpg")));

for (Tag tag : results.get(0).getTags()) {
  System.out.println(tag.getName() + ": " + tag.getProbability());

Each Tag in the RecognitionResult contains the name of the tag and the probability that the tag applies to the image or video. By default, they are in English, but you can change the language by calling RecognitionRequest.setLocale().

Sending video to the API will cause a list of VideoSegment instances to be attached to the RecognitionResult. Each of these has a timestamp and a list of tags that apply to a short segment of the video.

The APP_ID and APP_SECRET parameters passed to the ClarifaiClient constructor identify the application and can be found on the applications dashboard. Alternately, there is a zero-argument constructor that reads these from the CLARIFAI_APP_ID and CLARIFAI_APP_SECRET environment variables.

The input can also be passed as a byte array:

byte[] videoBytes = ...
results = clarifai.recognize(new RecognitionRequest(videoBytes));

Or as a publicly-accessible URL:

results = clarifai.recognize(
    new RecognitionRequest("http://www.clarifai.com/img/metro-north.jpg"));

Recognition can also be run over batches of input. For example:

File[] imageFiles = {
  new File("kittens.jpg"),
  new File("puppies.png"),
  new File("cubs.gif")
results = clarifai.recognize(new RecognitionRequest(imageFiles));

This returns a List containing a RecognitionResult instance for each file. Alternately, we could have passed byte arrays or URLs. Running recognition in batches is faster and more efficient than sending each image individually.

How many images can we send in a batch? Let's find out:

InfoResult info = clarifai.getInfo();
System.out.println(info.getMaxBatchSize());  // Prints "128"

The limit is currently 128 images, but may change in the future. For video, the limit is currently 1. The InfoResult also contains other useful information about the API like minimum and maximum image sizes.

Occasionally, some of the tags returned by the API may be wrong. In other cases, we may be missing tags. If you or your users detect this, we encourage you to report the error back to us. This will help us improve in the areas that you care about. The following request tells us that the tags "kitten" and "cat" should be added to the image, and "dog" should be removed:

clarifai.sendFeedback(new FeedbackRequest()
    .setAddTags("kitten", "cat")

The docId is a unique, stable ID for an image, and is returned with every RecognitionResult.

For more usage examples, see the sample code or ClarifaiClientServerTest.java.


  • JDK 6 or later


For a complete example using the Clarifai Java Client from Android, please see our Clarifai Android Starter repo.

The client supports Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread) and later. You'll need to add the following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

If you're using ProGuard, make sure the Clarifai API internals are not stripped out by adding the following to your proguard.cfg:

-keep class com.clarifai.api.** { *; }


Clarifai API Java Client

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%