rahul1947 / SP06-Applications-of-Hashing

3 Problems from SP04 to be solved using HashMap/ HashSet instead of TreeMap/ TreeSet.

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Short Project SP06: Applications of Hashing

3 Problems from SP04 to be solved using HashMap/ HashSet instead of TreeMap/ TreeSet.



  • January 08, 2019


A. Optional tasks (individual):

The following problems should be solved using HashMap/HashSet from the Java library.

Problem 1. Given an array A of integers, and an integer X, find how many pairs of elements of A sum to X:

   static int howMany(int[] A, int X) { // RT = O(n), expected.
      // How many indexes i,j (with i != j) are there with A[i] + A[j] = X?
      // A is not sorted, and may contain duplicate elements
      // If A = {3,3,4,5,3,5} then howMany(A,8) returns 6

Solution: HowMany.java

Problem 2. Given an array A, return an array B that has those elements of A that occur exactly once, in the same order in which they appear in A:

   static<T extends Comparable<? super T>> T[] exactlyOnce(T[] A) { 
      // RT = O(n), expected.
      // Ex: A = {6,3,4,5,3,5}.  exactlyOnce(A) returns {6,4} 

Solution: ExactlyOnce.java

Problem 3. Given an array A of integers, find the length of a longest streak of consecutive integers that occur in A (not necessarily contiguously):

   static int longestStreak(int[] A) { // RT = O(n), expected.
      // Ex: A = {1,7,9,4,1,7,4,8,7,1}.  longestStreak(A) return 3,
      // corresponding to the streak {7,8,9} of consecutive integers
      // that occur somewhere in A.

Solution: LongestStreak.java


3 Problems from SP04 to be solved using HashMap/ HashSet instead of TreeMap/ TreeSet.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%