rahul-ghadge / spring-boot-hmac-auth

Spring boot Hmac Authentication for CRUD APIs

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Spring boot Hmac Authentication

Hmac (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) authentication is the technique used to simultaneously verify both the data integrity and authenticity of a message. It consists of the Secret Key and the Hash Function which guarantees the integrity of the message between two parties.

HMAC uses cryptographic hash functions such as MD5 and SHA-*(MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512)

Java provides built-in support for Mac class. We need to add only dependencies for parsing data and ease of code.



  • Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA (or any preferred IDE) with embedded Maven
  • Maven (version >= 3.6.0)
  • Postman (or any RESTful API testing tool)

Build and Run application

GOTO > ~/absolute-path-to-directory/spring-boot-hmac-auth
and try below command in terminal

mvn spring-boot:run it will run application as spring boot application


mvn clean install it will build application and create jar file under target directory

Run jar file from below path with given command

java -jar ~/path-to-spring-boot-hmac-auth/target/spring-boot-hmac-auth-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


run main method from SpringBootHmacAuthApplication.java as spring boot application.

Code Snippets

  1. Maven Dependencies

    Need to add below dependencies to enable web support related config in pom.xml. Lombok's dependency is to get rid of boiler-plate code.

  2. Properties file

    Reading H2 DB related properties from application.properties file and configuring JPA connection factory for H2 database.


        nonce: nonce
        access-key: accesskey
        authorization: authorization
      access-key: 8c2ea66e-abfc-4394-8adb-fa52890bdce3
      secret-key: 982064c6-c265-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002
      expires: 60    # seconds
  3. Model class

    Below model class which we will use to perform CRUD operations if authentication is successful.

    public class SuperHero implements Serializable {
        private int id;
        private String name;
        private String superName;
        private String profession;
        private int age;
        private boolean canFly;
        // Constructor, Getter and Setter
  4. Hmac Authentication

    All classes from config package are used to authenticate users with Hmac.

    • config
      • filter
        • HmacInterceptor - Which will intercept each request and validate the auth token is valid and not expired
      • properties
        • HmacProperties - Read properties from application.properties and configure Hmac objects.
      • verifier
        • CredentialsVerifier - Will verify the access kay and nonce (token is expired or not).
        • HmacAuthVerifier - This class is the core of Hmac authentication. It will validate all the things regarding request metadata and body under verify method. Will verify the cryptographic algorithm, headers and token as well for coming requests.
      • web
        • HmacVerifyConfig - Here we'll register HmacInterceptor interceptor in the spring interceptor registry.
    • CredentialsProvider - Plain interface with some abstract methods for credentials provider.
    • HmacAuthBeanConfig - Hmac auth related beans like HmacInterceptor and CredentialsProvider for spring application by reading HmacProperties.
    • HmacHelper - Helper class to read Http request and extract data from it generate signature request of Hmac authentication.
    • HmacSignature - Class which contains signature methods to return Hmac token by using cryptographic algorithm, http request and secret.
  5. Get token operation for Super Heroes

    In HmacKeyController.java class, we have exposed 5 endpoints for basic CRUD operations which are under SuperHeroController. This controller will generate token for each request which we'll be validating under superHeroController.

    • GET token for All Super Heroes
    • GET token for ID
    • POST token to store Super Hero in DB
    • PUT token for to update Super Hero
    • DELETE token for ID
    public class HmacKeyController {
        public ResponseEntity<?> findById(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) throws IOException;
        public ResponseEntity<List<?>> findAll(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) throws IOException;
        public ResponseEntity<?> save(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) throws IOException;
        public ResponseEntity<?> update(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) throws IOException;
        public ResponseEntity<?> delete(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) throws IOException;
  6. CRUD operation for Super Heroes

    In SuperHeroController.java class, we have exposed 5 endpoints for basic CRUD operations

    • GET All Super Heroes
    • GET by ID
    • POST to store Super Hero in DB
    • PUT to update Super Hero
    • DELETE by ID

    But here we'll validate request before executing the actual logic and check the token is valid or not under HmacInterceptor class. This will intercept each request and allow for only valid tokens.

    public class SuperHeroController {
        public ResponseEntity<List<?>> findAll();
        public ResponseEntity<?> findById(@PathVariable String id);
        public ResponseEntity<?> save(@RequestBody SuperHero superHero);
        public ResponseEntity<?> update(@PathVariable int id, @RequestBody SuperHero superHero);
        public ResponseEntity<?> delete(@PathVariable String id);
  7. API Endpoints

    GET http://localhost:8080/hmac-key/super-heroes # /hmac-key is important here


        authorization: "HmacSHA256:3+na/n6Htt2MnRQzEtYYISy5l7O/GzHDtVyisDhNT/Q=",
        nonce: "1678793259142"

    Try above authorization code and nonce in below request as header

    GET http://localhost:8080/v1/super-heroes

    Request headers

    accessKey: 8c2ea66e-abfc-4394-8adb-fa52890bdce3
    authorization: HmacSHA256:3+na/n6Htt2MnRQzEtYYISy5l7O/GzHDtVyisDhNT/Q=
    nonce: 1678793259142

    GET http://localhost:8080/hmac-key/super-heroes/1


        authorization: "HmacSHA256:mHQeVAoGpDv7aSGLtDQ664gr7t47JL71NHNktj4w6hQ='
        nonce: "1678791858860"

    Try above authorization code and nonce in below request as header

    GET http://localhost:8080/v1/super-heroes/1

    Request headers

    accessKey: 8c2ea66e-abfc-4394-8adb-fa52890bdce3
    authorization: HmacSHA256:mHQeVAoGpDv7aSGLtDQ664gr7t47JL71NHNktj4w6hQ=
    nonce: 1678791858860

    POST http://localhost:8080/hmac-key/super-heroes


    curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/hmac-key/super-heroes' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw ' {
            "id": 10,
           "name": "Tony",
           "superName": "Iron Man",
           "profession": "Business",
           "age": 50,
           "canFly": true


        "authorization": "HmacSHA256:GGNhJT44kpnAozc/wf+a5I6IS+TyVV/nBTvrFh6Miwc=",
        "nonce": "1678796605841"

    Try above authorization code and nonce in below request as header

    POST http://localhost:8080/v1/super-heroes


    curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/v1/super-heroes' \
    --header 'accessKey: 8c2ea66e-abfc-4394-8adb-fa52890bdce3' \
    --header 'authorization: HmacSHA256:GGNhJT44kpnAozc/wf+a5I6IS+TyVV/nBTvrFh6Miwc=' \
    --header 'nonce: 1678796605841' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
            "id": 10,
           "name": "Tony",
           "superName": "Iron Man",
           "profession": "Business",
           "age": 50,
           "canFly": true


Spring boot Hmac Authentication for CRUD APIs


Language:Java 100.0%