ragingwind / dotfiles

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dotfiles for @ragingwind

Quick Starts for dotfiles

# install git, `git` causes to install xcodebuild

# bootstrap to install essential applications
sh ./bootstrap.sh

# copy private configs under `.dotfiles/configs` then try to restore
mackup restore

# configure macOS envrionment, system and apps you installed
sh ./macos.sh

How dotfiles works on macOS

1. Cloning dotfiles and Installing Prerequisites

First of all, you need to download dotfile project from github. To do this, simply, open terminal and run git on terminal. If you are not ready to use git, you will see.

a. System will ask you to install Command Line Tools or Xcode on macOS.

  1. Choose a tools what you want to install
  2. Run sudo xcodebuild -license to do sign Xcode/iOS license to complete installation for git

When you can use git on terminal, do clone dotfiles project from github at root of current user by running:

b. git clone https://github.com/ragingwind/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles

2. Bootstraping

We need to install a very few application firstly. It called bootstraping.

a. Navigate into .dotfiles just downloaded which you make sure that. Rest of restoration processes will happen in the path

b. Run sh bootstrap.sh to install essential application managers like

  • nvm, managing multiple node.js versions
  • node.js lts version will be installed
  • brew, installatioan bundch of macOS at once. only for macOS

c. brew will applications on macOS. During in period of boostraping, brew will works for installation of macOS applications, via brew/cask, which listed in ~/.dotfiles/Brewfile, which is a manifest for application list:

  • fonts
  • MAS apps (MAS apps is not in the list because of security issues*)
  • development tools like compilers, runtimes, even IDEs and editors
  • macOS utilities you're used to use

Take a break. It could take so much time by your applications count and sizes in Brewfile

d. Run your favorite cloud sync app to sync with your backup data to local, which allow you be able to retore settings. Google Drive or Dropbox that kind of sync clients must be installed if your dotfiles is on the cloud.

3. Restore settings

mackup will be used in the next step to restore all of settings for your application you installed via brew, which is also downloaded by brew, is to keep your application setting in sync not only dotfiles also macOS apps.

a. mackup alias need to be place on the root of the user. run sh ./mackup.sh then check out .mackup directory and .mackup.cfg exists at root of the user

b. before run mackup restore. please make sure that your private dotfiles which must be placed under the .dotfiles/configs. There are tons of way to sync private dotfiles but I recommend to use resilio

c. Run mackup restore which allow all of setting to restore for each applications or mackup backup when you feel that you need to backup setting of apps. Please visit to official site to get more help

4. Configuration macOS

a. Instead of manually configuring macOS, using macOS scripts and shell command by running sh macos.sh. It helps us configure those of settings on macOS automatically at once, escape from a lot of physical works. This step covers those of apps below.

  • System, Shell and Bundled Application like dock, finder, safari, activity monitor, environments, global ui/ux
  • User applications: Chrome, iTerm2 and more

b. After configuring macOS, UI Server and apps will be restarted and you need to restart your system that cause the changes to work well.

If you're interested in maintain the scripts? you should take a look at the macos.sh and every configs you need. And please refer to below links for more information.

c. Configure and import applications' settings, like Alfred, BetterTools and more


MIT @ Jimmy Moon



Language:Shell 95.5%Language:Ruby 4.5%