rafsanlab / BioSpecML

A python module libraries for bio-spectroscopy machine learning and analysis.

Repository from Github https://github.comrafsanlab/BioSpecMLRepository from Github https://github.comrafsanlab/BioSpecML

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A python code library package for spectra processing and analysis. Project is on-going development.


  • read and apply processing on spectroscopy data
  • robust plotting functions to plot spectral data
  • prepare dataset and neural networks (UNet, LinearNet etc.)
  • features packed training loop for model training


  • This is a personal repo for personal use, but feel free to use it. Note that not all codes are validated.


If you want to be able to edit the code:

  1. clone the repository:
!git clone https://github.com/rafsanlab/biospecml.git
  1. edits any .py files needed in src folder.
  2. pip install from the cloned path (here is the example in Colab):
!pip install '/content/biospecml'

If you want to use it directly:

install using pip:

!pip install git+https://github.com/rafsanlab/biospecml.git


A python module libraries for bio-spectroscopy machine learning and analysis.



Language:Python 99.4%Language:Jupyter Notebook 0.6%