rafis / vault-kubernetes

Authenticate services to @hashicorp Vault via the Kubernetes auth method

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Go Report Card Docker Build

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


Based on the work of Seth Vargo


Scenario 1 - Get a Vault token for one time use

Start the Init Container vault-kubernetes-authenticator to authenticate to Vault and get a Vault token.

The Vault token will expire after the given TTL.

Scenario 2 - Sync Vault secrets to Kubernetes secrets

Start the Init Container vault-kubernetes-authenticator to authenticate to Vault and get a Vault token.

After successful completion, start the Init Container vault-kubernetes-synchronizer to synchronize secrets to Kubernetes.

The Vault token will expire after the given TTL.

Scenario 3 - Get a Vault token for use during the lifetime of a pod

Start the Init Container vault-kubernetes-authenticator to authenticate to Vault and get a Vault token.

After successful completion start the Sidecar Container vault-kubernetes-token-renewer to regularly renew your Vault token.


vault-kubernetes-token-renewer container will be restarted if the token renewal fails (for restartPolicy=always). When the token cannot be renewed (e.g. the token is in the meantime expired):

  • let the pod terminate and restart. On restart vault-kubernetes-authenticator will issue a new token. A possible solution could be to use Share Process Namespace between Containers in a Pod (Kubernetes 1.12 beta) and Container Lifecycle Hooks
  • let vault-kubernetes-token-renewer re-authenticate and update VAULT_TOKEN_PATH if the token in VAULT_TOKEN_PATH is invalid. The token consumer needs to observe VAULT_TOKEN_PATH for changes (inotify) or read VAULT_TOKEN_PATH on every connect to Vault (isn't a thing because VAULT_TOKEN_PATH is usually in-memory). This can be done independent from the previous case because the token will be valid on after pod creation

removed go.sum from repo due to issue with go version and k8s.io/client-go:

go: verifying k8s.io/client-go@v9.0.0+incompatible: checksum mismatch

Vault client configuration

The usual environment variables for Vault will be used:


see https://godoc.org/github.com/hashicorp/vault/api#Config.ReadEnvironment

the minimal configuration is VAULT_ADDR with VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY=true

Init Container vault-kubernetes-authenticator


  • VAULT_ROLE - Required the name of the Vault role to use for authentication.

  • VAULT_TOKEN_PATH - the destination path on disk to store the token. Usually this is a shared volume.

  • VAULT_AUTH_MOUNT_PATH - the name of the mount where the Kubernetes auth method is enabled. This defaults to kubernetes, but if you changed the mount path you will need to set this value to that path (vault auth enable -path=k8s kubernetes -> VAULT_AUTH_MOUNT_PATH=k8s)

  • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_PATH - the path on disk where the Kubernetes service account jtw token lives. This defaults to /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token.

  • ALLOW_FAIL - the container will successfully terminate even if the authentication to Vault failed, no token will be written to VAULT_TOKEN_PATH. This condition needs to be handeled in the succeeding container. (default: "false")


$ k logs vault-kubernetes-authenticator-5675d58d95-4wd8v -c vault-kubernetes-authenticator
2018/11/26 14:56:29 successfully authenticated to vault
2018/11/26 14:56:29 successfully stored vault token at /home/vault/.vault-token

$ k exec -ti vault-kubernetes-authenticator-5675d58d95-4wd8v sh
~ $ VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat /home/vault/.vault-token)
~ $ echo $VAULT_TOKEN
~ $

Init Container vault-kubernetes-synchronizer

Depends on Init Container vault-kubernetes-authenticator

  • each Kubernetes secrets created by vault-kubernetes-synchronizer get the annotation vault-secret: <vault secret path>

  • obsolete secrets created by vault-kubernetes-synchronizer will be deleted

Secret Mapping

Mapping Vault Kubernetes
secret/k8s/first secret/k8s/first first
secret/k8s/first:third secret/k8s/first third
----------------------------- ----------------------- -------------
secret/k8s/ secret/k8s/first first
secret/k8s/second second

labels/names in Kubernetes will be validated according to RFC-1123


  • VAULT_TOKEN_PATH - the destination path on disk to store the token. Usually this is a shared volume.

  • VAULT_SECRETS - comma separated list of secrets (see Secret Mapping)

  • SECRET_PREFIX - prefix for synchronized secrets (e.g. for SECRET_PREFIX="v3t_" Vault secret "first" will get secret "v3t_first" in k8s)

set ALLOW_FAIL="true" for vault-kubernetes-authenticator

Error handling

If Vault authentication fails in vault-kubernetes-authenticator and ALLOW_FAIL="true" has been set for vault-kubernetes-authenticator the failed authentication will be handeled as follows:

  • all secrets in VAULT_SECRETS are available in the namespace (the content of the secrets will not be considered)- vault-kubernetes-synchronizer issues a warning and terminates successfullly.
  • any secret from VAULT_SECRETS is missing in the namespace vault-secret-synchronizer fails.


Two secrets in Vault:

$ vault kv get secret/k8s/first
====== Metadata ======
=== Data ===
Key    Value
---    -----
one    12345678
two    23456781
$ vault kv get secret/k8s/second
====== Metadata ======
===== Data =====
Key       Value
---       -----
green     lantern
poison    ivy

Configure the two secrets for synchronisation with the environment variable VAULT_SECRETS:

$ vi deployment.yaml
    - name: VAULT_SECRETS
      value: secret/data/k8s/first,secret/data/k8s/second
$ k logs vault-kubernetes-synchronizer-6875c88858-t6hdw -c vault-kubernetes-authenticator
2018/11/26 14:56:30 successfully authenticated to vault
2018/11/26 14:56:30 successfully stored vault token at /home/vault/.vault-token

$ k logs vault-kubernetes-synchronizer-6875c88858-t6hdw -c vault-kubernetes-synchronizer
2018/11/26 14:56:31 read secret/data/k8s-np/appl-vault-dev-e1/first from vault
2018/11/26 14:56:31 create secret third from vault secret secret/data/k8s-np/appl-vault-dev-e1/first
2018/11/26 14:56:31 read secret/data/k8s-np/appl-vault-dev-e1/first from vault
2018/11/26 14:56:31 create secret first from vault secret secret/data/k8s-np/appl-vault-dev-e1/first
2018/11/26 14:56:31 read secret/data/k8s-np/appl-vault-dev-e1/second from vault
2018/11/26 14:56:31 create secret second from vault secret secret/data/k8s-np/appl-vault-dev-e1/second
2018/11/26 14:56:31 secrets successfully synchronized

$ k get secrets | grep -e first -e second -e third
first                                Opaque                                2      16m
second                               Opaque                                2      16m
third                                Opaque                                2      16m

$ k describe secrets first second third
Name:         first
Namespace:    vault-test
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  vault-secret=secret/data/k8s/first

Type:  Opaque

one:  8 bytes
two:  8 bytes

Name:         second
Namespace:    vault-test
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  vault-secret=secret/data/k8s/second

Type:  Opaque

poison:  3 bytes
green:   7 bytes

Name:         third
Namespace:    vault-test
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  vault-secret=secret/data/k8s/first

Type:  Opaque

one:  8 bytes
two:  8 bytes

Example - with failed authentication

ALLOW_FAIL="false" set for vault-kubernetes-authenticator

$ k logs vault-kubernetes-synchronizer-6875c88858-mbdsp -c vault-kubernetes-authenticator
2018/11/26 15:26:01 authentication failed: login failed with role from environment variable VAULT_ROLE: "k8s-np-appl-vault-dev-e1-auth": Put http://vault-dev-server.appl-vault-dev-e1.svc.cluster.local:8200/v1/auth/k8s-np/login: dial tcp i/o timeout

$ k logs vault-kubernetes-synchronizer-6875c88858-mbdsp -c vault-kubernetes-synchronizer
Error from server (BadRequest): container "vault-kubernetes-synchronizer" in pod "vault-kubernetes-synchronizer-6875c88858-mbdsp" is waiting to start: PodInitializing

$ k get pods
NAME                                             READY   STATUS                  RESTARTS   AGE
vault-kubernetes-synchronizer-6875c88858-mbdsp   0/1     Init:CrashLoopBackOff   3          7m40s

ALLOW_FAIL="true" set for vault-kubernetes-authenticator

$ k logs vault-kubernetes-synchronizer-7d5f65895-2pf4j -c vault-kubernetes-authenticator -f
2018/11/26 15:36:53 authentication failed - ALLOW_FAIL is set therefore pod will continue: login failed with role from environment variable VAULT_ROLE: "k8s-np-appl-vault-dev-e1-auth": Put http://vault-dev-server.appl-vault-dev-e1.svc.cluster.local:8200/v1/auth/k8s-np/login: dial tcp i/o timeout

$ k logs vault-kubernetes-synchronizer-7d5f65895-2pf4j -c vault-kubernetes-synchronizer
2018/11/26 15:36:55 check secret second from vault secret secret/data/k8s-np/appl-vault-dev-e1/second
2018/11/26 15:36:55 check secret third from vault secret secret/data/k8s-np/appl-vault-dev-e1/first
2018/11/26 15:36:55 check secret first from vault secret secret/data/k8s-np/appl-vault-dev-e1/first
2018/11/26 15:36:55 cannot synchronize secrets - all secrets seems to be available therefore pod creation will continue: could not get vault token: open /home/vault/.vault-token: no such file or directory

$ k get pods
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
vault-kubernetes-synchronizer-7d5f65895-2pf4j   1/1     Running   0          5m18s

Sidecar vault-kubernetes-token-renewer

Depends on Init Container vault-kubernetes-authenticator

  • renew the Vault token regularly


  • VAULT_TOKEN_PATH - the destination path on disk to store the token. Usually this is a shared volume.
  • VAULT_REAUTH - re-authenticate if the token is invalid (default: "false")
  • VAULT_TTL - requested token ttl (can be overwritten by Vault)


$ k logs vault-kubernetes-token-renewer-844488f7bc-c6ztf -c vault-kubernetes-authenticator
2018/11/26 14:56:30 successfully authenticated to vault
2018/11/26 14:56:30 successfully stored vault token at /home/vault/.vault-token

$ k logs vault-kubernetes-token-renewer-844488f7bc-c6ztf  -c vault-kubernetes-token-renewer
2018/11/26 14:56:32 start renewer loop
2018/11/26 14:56:32 token renewed


Install mage

The DOCKER_TARGET environment variable will be used to tag and push the images. If not set, the images will not be tagged and pushed.

$ export GO111MODULE=on
$ export DOCKER_TARGET="registry.example.com/repopath"
$ mage buildAllImages


  • Edit profile
cd demo
./deploy.sh profile
./delete.sh namespace



Authenticate services to @hashicorp Vault via the Kubernetes auth method

License:MIT License


Language:Go 89.4%Language:Dockerfile 10.6%