rafikn / custom-war-packager

Custom Jenkins WAR packager for Jenkins

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Jenkins Custom WAR Packager

Custom WAR Packager (CWP) allows building ready-to-fly Jenkins packages using a YAML specification. The tool can produce Docker images, WAR files, and Jenkinsfile Runner docker images (aka single-shot Jenkins masters). These bundles may include Jenkins core, plugins, extra libraries, and self-configuration via Groovy Hook Scripts or Configuration-as-Code Plugin YAML files.

See this blog post for more information.



The tool offers a CLI interface and a Maven Plugin wrapper.


java -jar custom-war-packager-cli.jar -configPath=mywar.yml -version=1.0-SNAPSHOT -tmpDir=tmp

After the build the generated WAR file will be put to tmp/output/target/${artifactId}.war.

To run the tool in a demo mode with this config, use the following command:

java -jar war-packager-cli.jar -demo

Invoke the tool without options to get a full CLI options list.


Maven plugin runs the packager and generates the artifact. The artifact will be put to "target/custom-war-packager-maven-plugin/output/target/${bundle.artifactId}.war" and added to the project artifacts.


Note that this plugin invokes Maven-in-Maven, and that it won't pass build options to the plugin. Configuration file can be used to configure the downstream builder.


  • Maven 3.5.0 or above
  • Java 8
  • Git (if any Git sources are defined)

Custom WAR Packager offers a Docker Image which bundles all the required tools.

Configuration file


  groupId: "io.github.oleg-nenashev"
  artifactId: "mywar"
  description: "Just a WAR auto-generation-sample"
  vendor: "Jenkins project"
bomIncludeWar: true
    base: "jenkins/jenkins:2.121.1"
    tag: "jenkins/demo-external-task-logging-elk"
    build: true
  groupId: "org.jenkins-ci.main"
  artifactId: "jenkins-war"
    version: 2.107
  - groupId: "org.jenkins-ci.plugins"
    artifactId: "matrix-project"
      version: 1.9
  - groupId: "org.jenkins-ci.plugins"
    artifactId: "durable-task"
      git: https://github.com/jglick/durable-task-plugin.git
      branch: watch-JENKINS-38381
  - groupId: "org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow"
    artifactId: "workflow-durable-task-step"
      git: https://github.com/jglick/workflow-durable-task-step-plugin.git
      commit: 6c424e059bba90fc94a9c1e87dc9c4a324bfef26
  - groupId: "io.jenkins"
    artifactId: "configuration-as-code"
      version: 0.11-alpha-rc373.933033f6b51e
  - groupId: "org.jenkins-ci.main"
    artifactId: "remoting"
      git: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting.git
systemProperties: {
     jenkins.model.Jenkins.slaveAgentPort: "50000",
     jenkins.model.Jenkins.slaveAgentPortEnforce: "true"}
  - type: "init"
    id: "initScripts"
      dir: scripts
  - id: "jcasc-config"
      dir: jenkins.yml

There are more options available. See the linked demos and the automated tests for examples.

Please note that given to the build workspace being defaulted to "/build", the Jenkinsfile-runner version used must be at least 1.0-beta-7.

BOM support

The plugin supports Bill of Materials (BOM), described in JEP-309, as an input.

If BOM is defined, Custom WAR Packager will load plugin and component dependencies from there. In case we want BOM to specify the core version, the bomIncludeWar flag must be set to true. The example below takes the input from BOM and produces custom WAR and Docker packages.

  groupId: "io.jenkins.tools.war-packager.demo"
  artifactId: "bom-demo"
bomIncludeWar: true
  bom: bom.yml
  environment: aws
    base: "jenkins/jenkins:2.121.2"
    tag: "jenkins/cwp-bom-demo"
    build: true

An example of such configuration is available here.

Plugins from POM

In order to simplify packaging for development versions, it is possible to link Custom War Packager to the POM file so that it takes plugins to be bundled from there.

If the pom option is set, all dependencies will be added, including test ones. The current parent will be also bundled unless the pomIgnoreRoot flag is set.

  groupId: "io.jenkins.tools.war-packager.demo"
  artifactId: "pom-input-demo"
bomIncludeWar: true
  pom: pom.xml
  pomIgnoreRoot: true
  groupId: "org.jenkins-ci.main"
  artifactId: "jenkins-war"
    version: 2.121.1

In the same way as BOM does, we can specify the core version from the pom file. If the global flag bomIncludeWar is true and the pom sets the jenkins-war.version, the jenkins.version property or it contains a dependency on org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-core or org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-war the war section in yml file will be omitted. Consequently, if the flag is set to true and the pom file does not configure the core, then the build fails.

Example is available here.

Plugin information providers

Custom WAR packager uses plugin information caching for some cases, e.g. for deciding whether a dependency is a plugin in pom.xml inputs. Right now there are 2 supported information sources: a Jenkins Update Center and a Maven repo.

Update Center Information provider

The mode was introduced in Custom WAR Packager 2.0.0, and this is a default mode in the tool.

  • Plugin information is retrieved from Jenkins update centers
  • Default update center: http://updates.jenkins.io/update-center.json
  • Custom update center URL can be set using the updateCenterUrl flag in buildSettings
  • Advanced configurations (e.g. proxy configuration) are not available for this mode at the moment

Maven Repo Information provider

Information is retrieved from Maven repositories, and hence it allows installing unreleased or blacklisted plugins which are not available through update centers. pomUseMavenPluginInfoProvider: true in buildSettings can be set to enable this mode.

  • The mode caches information about plugins in the Maven repo
  • The mode is not reliable when used outside clean build environments, because false positive and false negative decisions may be cached in the case of infrastructure issues
  • This mode is not recommended for most of the cases. Use at your own risk.
  pom: pom.xml
  pomUseMavenPluginInfoProvider: true
  pomIgnoreRoot: true

Before Custom WAR Packager 2.0.0, this provider was used by default. Builds using this version may need an update if they rely on custom update centers or unreleased/blacklisted plugins.

Advanced features


  • Rebuilding Jenkins core with custom dependencies (e.g., Remoting or Stapler)
  • Adding extra libraries to the Jenkins core so that they can be used in extensions


Currently, the tool is in the alpha state. It has some serious limitations:

  • All built artifacts with Git source are being installed to the local repository
    • Versions are unique for every commit, so beware of local repo pollution
  • System properties work only for a custom jenkins.util.SystemProperties class defined in the core
    • Use Groovy Hook Scripts if you need to set up other system properties
  • libPatches steps bundles only a specified JAR file, but not its dependencies Dependencies need to be explicitly packaged as well if they change compared to the base WAR file
    • libExcludes can be used to remove dependencies which are not required anymore


Custom Jenkins WAR packager for Jenkins


Language:Java 87.8%Language:Shell 8.6%Language:Groovy 1.8%Language:Makefile 0.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.8%