rafgraph / fscreen

Vendor agnostic access to the Fullscreen API

Home Page:https://fscreen.rafgraph.dev

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fscreen - Fullscreen API

npm npm bundle size (version)

Vendor agnostic access to the Fullscreen API. Build with the Fullscreen API as intended without worrying about vendor prefixes.

Code is in the /demo folder.

$ npm install --save fscreen
import fscreen from 'fscreen';

fscreen.fullscreenEnabled === true / false;
// boolean to tell if fullscreen mode is supported
// replacement for: document.fullscreenEnabled
// mapped to: document.vendorMappedFullscreenEnabled

fscreen.fullscreenElement === null / undefined / DOM Element;
// null if not in fullscreen mode, or the DOM element that's in fullscreen mode
// (if fullscreen is not supported by the device it will be undefined)
// replacement for: document.fullscreenElement
// mapped to: document.vendorMappedFullsceenElement
// note that fscreen.fullscreenElement uses a getter to retrieve the element
// each time the property is accessed.

// replacement for: element.requestFullscreen()
// mapped to: element.vendorMappedRequestFullscreen()

// replacement for: element.requestFullscreen - without calling the function
// mapped to: element.vendorMappedRequestFullscreen

// replacement for: document.exitFullscreen()
// mapped to: document.vendorMappedExitFullscreen()
// note that fscreen.exitFullscreen is mapped to
// document.vendorMappedExitFullscreen - without calling the function

fscreen.onfullscreenchange = handler;
// replacement for: document.onfullscreenchange = handler
// mapped to: document.vendorMappedOnfullscreenchange = handler

fscreen.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', handler, options);
// replacement for: document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', handler, options)
// mapped to: document.addEventListener('vendorMappedFullscreenchange', handler, options)

fscreen.removeEventListener('fullscreenchange', handler, options);
// replacement for: document.removeEventListener('fullscreenchange', handler, options)
// mapped to: document.removeEventListener('vendorMappedFullscreenchange', handler, options)

fscreen.onfullscreenerror = handler;
// replacement for: document.onfullscreenerror = handler
// mapped to: document.vendorMappedOnfullscreenerror = handler

fscreen.addEventListener('fullscreenerror', handler, options);
// replacement for: document.addEventListener('fullscreenerror', handler, options)
// mapped to: document.addEventListener('vendorMappedFullscreenerror', handler, options)

fscreen.removeEventListener('fullscreenerror', handler, options);
// replacement for: document.removeEventListener('fullscreenerror', handler, options)
// mapped to: document.removeEventListener('vendorMappedFullscreenerror', handler, options)

// returns: the vendorMapped fullscreen Pseudo Class
// i.e. :fullscreen, :-webkit-full-screen, :-moz-full-screen, :-ms-fullscreen
// Can be used to find any elements that are fullscreen using the vendorMapped Pseudo Class 
// e.g. document.querySelectorAll(fscreen.fullscreenPseudoClass).forEach(...);


Use it just like the spec API.

if (fscreen.fullscreenEnabled) {
 fscreen.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', handler, false);

function handler() {
 if (fscreen.fullscreenElement !== null) {
   console.log('Entered fullscreen mode');
 } else {
   console.log('Exited fullscreen mode');


Vendor agnostic access to the Fullscreen API


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 97.6%Language:TypeScript 2.4%