Rafey Iqbal Rahman (RafeyIqbalRahman)


Geek Repo


Location:Karachi, PK

Home Page:https://linkedin.com/in/rafeyirahman

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Rafey Iqbal Rahman's starred repositories


In this Repository, I uploaded my solution files of IBM's Global Quantum Challenge of 2020

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:Apache-2.0Stargazers:15Issues:2Issues:0


In this repository I have train the AI Model for the detection of Corona virus with the X-ray images of Chest and it is giving a very good accuracy. I am not claiming that it is accurate and I invite you all to commit/contribute in it. and please star my repository if you like it

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:12Issues:0Issues:0


In this project I with my colleague Iqra Naz have designed a technique and algorithm for the reduction of the components in the Circuit of quantum computing and simulate and apply it using Qiskit and named it as "H-U-H Sandwich Technique"

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:Apache-2.0Stargazers:9Issues:0Issues:0