rafaltrojniak / ansible-munin

Ansible role for setting up munin server

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Role Name

Sets up munin server


Debian wheezy server with backports enabled (using role) and ansible running

Role Variables

Core switches

Those switches lets you to switch on/off additional functionalities

  • munin_cgi - changes graph and html strategies from periodically generated by cron to generated on-demand by CGI script
  • munin_cgi_cache - if CGI is enabled, adds extra HTTP cache based on nginx
  • munin_rrdcached - configures support for rrdcached to munin, that allows to increase statistics gathering capacity

Other switches

  • munin_graph_cgi_processes - number of maximum cgi processes that can run in parallel
  • munin_graph_cgi_url - grap cgi url
  • munin_graph_cgi_tmp - graph cgi temporary directory
  • munin_update_processes - maximum number of update processes that can run in parallel
  • munin_max_size_x and munin_max_size_y - are the max size of images in pixel. Default is 4000. Do not make it too large otherwise RRD might use all RAM to generate the images.
  • munin_graph_period - You can choose the time reference for "DERIVE" like graphs, and show "per minute", "per hour" values instead of the default "per second"

Users and group configuration

  • munin_update_user, munin_update_group - user and group that update cron is running as
  • munin_cgi_user, munin_cgi_group - user and group that cgi script is running as

RRDCached configuration

  • munin_rrdcached_socket - path to socket that rrdcached is running as
  • munin_rrdcached_group - name of extra group, that is allowed to connect to rrdcached
  • munin_rrdcached_opts - hashmap of extra parameters for rrdcached. See rrdcached documentation for more information

Directories used by munin

  • munin_dbdir - Base directory for all rrd files (files go into $dbdir/$domain/)
  • munin_htmldir - Where pngs and html files end up.
  • munin_logdir - Where to send logs.
  • munin_rundir - Where to put state files.
  • munin_tmpldir - Where the templates reside.
  • munin_staticdir - Where to look for the static www files

Contacts for limits

  • munin_contacts - List of hashmaps for contact users. Each hashmap should consist of name and command field as shown below :
- name: nagios
  command: mail -s "Munin notification" somejuser@fnord.comm


jnv.debian-backports - Sets up backports on debian

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
      - { role: munin, munin_cgi: True, munin_cgi_cache: True, munin_rrdcached: True, munin_graph_cgi_processes: 2}

After that you can integrate it with other role that supports nginx, or install it directly with simple nginx vhost:

server {
	listen   80;
	server_name default;
	include /etc/munin/nginx.conf;



Author Information

Rafał Trójniak ansible-galaxy@trojniak.net


Ansible role for setting up munin server