rafaelrozon / study

Study Notes on Software Development

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My name is Rafael Rozon and these are my notes on anything related to Software Development. It is a living collection of thoughts, learnings, cheatsheets, etc on all things I have worked on and things I am learning.

Learning in Public

The first time I heard about Learning in Public was in You Can Learn A Lot For The Low Price Of Your Ego With Shawn Wang podcast episode of Kent C. Dodds. It made total sense to me and it was something I was already trying to do but did not have a name for it and I was lacking some guidance. So, I decided to really put it into practice and this repo/gitbook came into existence. I decided to make it public hoping to help others in the process of making myself a better professional.

Go to


{% page-ref page="frontend/frontend-architecture.md" %}

{% page-ref page="interview-questions/interview-questions.md" %}

{% page-ref page="frontend/redux.md" %}

{% page-ref page="frontend/react.md" %}

Software Practice

{% page-ref page="software-practice/software-development-practice-and-team-dynamics.md" %}

You can find me on: rafaelrozon.com


Study Notes on Software Development