rafaela-mansini / auction-antique

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Auction Antique Project

This project is an MVP of an antiques auction. It is responsible for listing the products in the database and bidding on a product.


Those were the technologies used:


  • Basic login and logout;
  • List the products of database;
  • Makes a filter by name/description and for initial bid price;
  • List product detail;
  • Makes a bid to the product;
  • Automatic bids;
  • Expired time counter in seconds for product bid;


  • Server side: PHP (7.2) | Database relational (recomend MySql or PostgreSQL) | Composer | Apache (server to run PHP);
  • Client side: Javascript navigator (recomends Google Chrome) | Yarn;


Clone this repository and make sure that the items on requirements section it's installed on your machine;


    To install the packages open the folder api and in your terminal:

    composer install

    Inside your project, rename the .env.example to .env and configure the database keys to set your database: (https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/configuration#environment-configuration) and in your terminal:

    php artisan key:generate
    php artisan storage:link
    php artisan migrate
    php artisan db:seed

    And start your server:

    php artisan serve

    NOTE: To your client side running, it's necessary the server side is running to (make sure the php artisan serve it's running and the port is NOTE: When your run the seed command, automatic will be created in your database the products and users. You have two users (user1, user2) to login on the system.


    To install the packages, open the folder application and in your terminal:


    To start your project:

    yarn start

    This command will open your browser on link: http://localhost:3000 (if is not open, copy and paste in your browser the link: http://localhost:3000) NOTE: This systems has a job to check a logic to automate the bid, to the Job works correctly, define in your .env the queues with synchronus time QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync or if your want insert this Job on a queue follow the documentation steps to listen the worker (https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/queues).

Know improvments

To better the system, some features needs to be implemented:

  • Insert a paginate on products page (show 10 itens per page);
  • Format the counter for product bid;
  • Implements unit tests;

License and credits

MIT Free Software Code made by Rafaela Mansini Github LinkedIn



Language:PHP 78.4%Language:JavaScript 15.0%Language:Blade 2.4%Language:CSS 2.0%Language:HTML 1.5%Language:Shell 0.6%