radimklaska / sigfox_tools

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Sigfox Migrate site

Drupal site setup to import and present loaction data fetched from Sigfox API.


  • Drupal site is using github.com/drupal-composer/drupal-project
  • web/modules/custom/sigfox_storage_measurement - Everything that was done using UI like content types for saving data and views for display.
  • web/modules/custom/sigfox_migrate - Costom code implementing Migrate API to get data in from Sigfox.

Get the site up and running

  • Get the code: git clone git@github.com:radimklaska/sigfox.git?
  • cd sigfox
  • composer install
  • cp ./web/sites/default/default.settings.local.php ./web/sites/default/settings.local.php
  • Setup DB connection in ./web/sites/default/settings.local.php
  • Install the site using standard installation profile: drush si -y
  • Install the module: drush en sigfox_migrate -y
  • Login to the site: drush user-login
  • Set the URL for the migration source:
    • with drush: drush cset -y migrate_plus.migration.sigfox_location source.urls "https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@backend.sigfox.com/api/devices/DEVICEID/messages"
    • or using UI: /admin/config/sigfox_migrate/migrationconfig
  • Check migration status: drush migrate-status
  • Run the migration: drush migrate-import sigfox_location
  • Your site should now be working and populated with data.

Sigfox info

In general we need to fetch json object from remote URL. Parse it and save the result to node entity.

API endpoint data

Here is and example. Note there is about 100 items with same structure in data:

  "data": [
      "device": "4D2BA5",
      "time": 1515885642,
      "data": "af0b4b4255fc634100000100",
      "snr": "52.72",
      "linkQuality": "GOOD",
      "seqNumber": 2347,
      "rinfos": [
          "tap": "2731",
          "delay": 1.5490000247955322,
          "lat": "51.0",
          "lng": "14.0"
          "tap": "272E",
          "delay": 0.652999997138977,
          "lat": "51.0",
          "lng": "14.0"
          "tap": "7A8C",
          "delay": 1.7070000171661377,
          "lat": "51.0",
          "lng": "14.0"
          "tap": "6D76",
          "delay": 0.6420000195503235,
          "lat": "51.0",
          "lng": "15.0"
      "nbFrames": 3
  "paging": {
    "next": "https://backend.sigfox.com/api/devices/4D2BA5/messages?limit=100&before=1515798520"

Message structure:

We are mainly interested in GPS coodinates. These are encoded in data string.

	a. (8B) GPS coordinates
	[0] latitude (-90 to 90)
	[4] latitude (-90 to 90)
	b. (2B) GPS distance since last measurement
	[8] distance in metres
	c. (2B) GPS fail counter since last successfull fix
	[10] GPS fail counter

data is Python's f-strings hexadecimally encoded.

Provided example:

$binarydata = "\xba\x0b\x4b\x42\x13\xfe\x63\x41";
$array = unpack("flat/flong", $binarydata);

Decoding data in php:

$data = "af0b4b4255fc634100000100";
$array = unpack("flat/flong", hex2bin($data));



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