radimklaska / drupalcz

Drupal.cz community site repository (Drupal 8 version)

Home Page:https://drupal.cz

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Drupal.cz community website

Build status

Branch Build status Dev site HTTP Basic auth
Master Build Status http://stage.drupal.cz drupal / cz
Develop Build Status http://dev.drupal.cz drupal / cz


  • blt/ - Settings for Acquia BLT.
  • config/ - Exported Drupal configutation.
  • console/ - Cache folder for Drupal Console. ()
  • docroot/ - Website root directory.
  • drush/ - Drush aliases and other rutiens.
  • hooks/ - Acquia cloud hooks. (See https://docs.acquia.com/cloud/manage/cloud-hooks )
  • patches/ - Our custom patches. (But we prefer linking drupal.org.)
  • reports/ - PHP Unit results.
  • tests/ - Collection of tests for Travis CI and local development.
  • .gitignore - Gitignore - be sure to check your own local gitignore so you don't commit your IDE's tmp files.
  • .travis.yml - Travis CI test suite configuration.


Getting the site up and running.

  • Get your copy of the code:
  • Prepare your database and fill the credentials into your new local config.
    • cp docroot/sites/default/settings/default.local.settings.php docroot/sites/default/settings/local.settings.php
    • edit this config: docroot/sites/default/settings/local.settings.php
  • Install the site (it will use the Drupal.cz distribution).
    • composer install
    • If this is first time you are setting up BLT, run composer run-script blt-alias
    • blt setup:git-hooks (Learn more about BLT: https://blt.readthedocs.io/)
    • cd docroot
    • drush si minimal --existing-config
    • Login to new site:
    • drush uli
  • If you want to have some default content for your development,
    • drush dcdi
    • drush cr
    • Poznámka pro české vývojáře:
      • Na stránce Články (http://dcz.localhost/clanky) se nezobrazují články, protože nefunguje korektně import views reference fieldu (bug v modulu a v Drupal core, co čeká na vyřešení). Ručně je třeba na stránce /node/46/edit jít do paragraphs Layout, kliknout na Edit, kliknout Edit u paragrafu typu View reference a do položky View reference vepsat slovo "Articles".
      • To samé na stránce Komunity (/node/171/edit) opravit views referenci "User directory".
      • Než se vyřeší problém v Travis, je třeba nastavit homepage. Na stránce /admin/config/system/site-information nastavte Front page na hodnotu /drupal-cz.



Drupal.cz community site repository (Drupal 8 version)


License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:CSS 43.0%Language:PHP 30.8%Language:HTML 19.5%Language:JavaScript 5.4%Language:Shell 1.1%Language:Gherkin 0.2%