Node JS with TypeScript
- Install Node version >= 8
- Install Typescript on your system
npm install -g typescript
In the root directory of this code, use the following commands:
npm install
- it will install your project dependencies
npm start
- _it will start front-end with your browser (chrome).
npm run build
- it will create a customise build for deploying your code on server.
Note: Your front-end will run on PORT 3000
by default, if your PORT 3000
is already in use then it will ask to run other port, you just need to type Y or Yes to proceed
Default ports:
- '3000'
How to set Envrionment Variable (If you want to set):
Steps to set Custom NODE_ENV (development/production
Set environment variable NODE_ENV
for dev of prod.
Just use export NODE_ENV=dev
. To verify varialbe is set of not, just run the command: echo ${NODE_ENV}
Setup html2canvas and jspdf
- 'npm install @types/html2canvas --save'
- `npm install jspdf --save`
- `import * as jsPDF from 'jspdf'`
- `import * as html2canvas from 'html2canvas'`
- React-Code:
const element = this.refs.pdfContent;
html2canvas(element).then(canvas => {
const imgWidth = 200;
const imgHeight = canvas.height * imgWidth / canvas.width;
const pdf = new jspdf('p', 'mm', 'a4', 'letter'); // A4 size page of PDF
const contentDataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
pdf.addImage(contentDataURL, 'PNG', 5, 5, imgWidth, imgHeight);'.pdf');
- <div className="container" id="pdfContent" ref="pdfContent">Hellow world.</div>
This is all we need to deploy this demo react-html-to-pdf
If anyone wants any further instruction can contact me through email.
Thank you