radenrishwan / otakudesu-api

Unofficial API for otakudesu

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Otakudesu API

an Unofficial API for otakudesu

you can access demo here otakudesu.up.railway.app (this is temporary url).



before running server, you need to export otakudesu endpoint. you can see at .env file for command or type command below


Run from Source Code

  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/radenrishwan/otakudesu-api
  1. Run Server
go run main.go
  1. Build

    you can also build from source code and run

    go build -o main

    and run using


Build using Docker

  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/radenrishwan/otakudesu-api
  1. Build docker image
docker build -t otakudesu-api:1.3.1 . 

or you can also pull from dockerhub

docker pull radenrishwan/otakudesu-api:1.3.1
  1. Create container and run
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -e ENDPOINT='https://otakudesu.video/' radenrishwan/otakudesu-api:1.2.0

Using docker compose

you can also running using docker compose

  1. Change endpoint variable on docker-compose.yml file
  2. Run command below
docker-compose up -d

API Docs

endpoint : https://otakudesu-api-psezlumomq-as.a.run.app/

endpoint params description
/ - health check
/api/home - get latest upload anime
/api/anime-list - get anime list
/api/genres - get anime genre
/api/anime/ongoing *page get ongoing anime
/api/anime/complete *page get complete anime
/api/anime/genre/{genre} *page get anime by genre
/api/anime/{id} - get anime by id
/api/episode/{id} - get anime episode and download link by id
/api/search s find anime

params description :

  • s
    • description : search query
    • data type: string
    • example : api/search?s=one piece
  • page
    • description : page number
    • data type: int
    • example : api/anime/ongoing?page=1


  1. add more endpoint
  2. add error response when params is not valid ✅
  3. create a demo app ✅ here is app example using this api : https://github.com/radenrishwan/otakudesu-app (Deprecated)
  4. create api docs ✅


Unofficial API for otakudesu

License:MIT License


Language:Go 99.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%