rabahs / tvos-oauth-server

tvOS OAuth is Remote oauth2 service (using activation code) for tvOS (tested with Amazon Login, Dropbox)

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Remote Authenticator Service for tvOS

Enable users of your tvOS app to authenticate with Amazon (or potentially other oauth services) using an activation code on a mobile or desktop browser.

Comes with docker-compose to easily deploy to any Docker hosting service (e.g AWS or Digital Ocean)

Also check tvOS client


Production deployment

  • Setup docker host with docker-machine
    # provision a docker machine on Digital Ocean or AWS
    # https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-provision-and-manage-remote-docker-hosts-with-docker-machine-on-ubuntu-16-04
    # example:
    docker-machine create --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token $DOTOKEN tvosauth
    # or AWS
    docker-machine create --amazonec2-region us-west-2 --amazonec2-vpc-id vpc-1a745a7f --driver amazonec2 tvosauth
    # Verify docker machine is running
    docker-machine ls
    # Point docker client to the new docker machine 
    docker-machine env tvosauth
    eval $(docker-machine env tvosauth)
  • Set env variables

    • Rename .env_example to .env and update your production credentials and settings there
      • AWS_CLIENT_ID: Your Amazon app client id
      • AWS_CLIENT_SECRET: your Amazon app client secret
      • SECRET_KEY: Your own random generated secret key (can use http://www.miniwebtool.com/django-secret-key-generator/)
      • PUBLIC_URL: The public url for your authentication url (e.g. "auth.indiekit.com" )
  • Set SSL certificate for https access

    • Create a folder named .ssl under /nginx directory
    • Copy your SSL certificate file (SSL.crt) and certificate key (server.key) files there (use the exact file names)
  • Run all docker containers

    docker-compose up -d
  • Run database migrations
    docker-compose run --no-deps --rm web python migrate.py db upgrade
  • Generate api key and secret for your client app (make sure to copy the key and secret after your run the command)
    docker-compose run --no-deps --rm web python manage.py create_app --name "TVOSOAUTH"

  • You can now use the $PUBLIC_URL/activate with the generated api key and secret in your tvOS app for authentication

For dev environment setup


tvOS OAuth is Remote oauth2 service (using activation code) for tvOS (tested with Amazon Login, Dropbox)


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