ra1376 / kafka_validate

Sample Kafka Consumer/Producer to modify JSON messages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project Details


This repo contains sample Kafka producer/consumer dockerized code which connects to Kafka broker consumes messages from input topic then parse/correct messages containing timestamps and loads them to target topic.

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Table of Contents
  1. Project Setup
  2. Code Explaination
  3. Usage

Project Setup

The project is divided into python, docker , shell scripts.

In order to run the project below setups are required to be installed.

(1) Docker engine CE or any other Docker distributions.

(2) For Kafka distribution we are using Confluent docker base image along with zookeeper, if required the images latest version can be used.

(3) scripts / files:

(a) message_setup.py -- This scripts creates sample data for our input topic, along with our topic creations.script is using a sample data file for loading multiple messages to input topic available under /sample_data/sample_json.txt , the values can be modified based on requirement, this script will be doing our initial load by loading all the data/json values into input topic of the kafka broker .
(b) consumer_client.py -- This consumer client access the messages produced to input topic and then parses the timestamp(ISO-8601) and convert them  to UTC (ISO-8601), for doing this it calls a separate class written under '/kafka_class/validate_kafka_class.py' which does the work for processing the data and producing messaages to target topic.
(c) validate_kafka_class.py -- This is the main class written to do most of the work (connecting to kafka cosumer/producer, subscribing to Kafka,topic, process ilformed timestamps, set configuration variables ).

(a) build_image.sh -- This shell scripts is used to build the docker image.
(b) build.sh -- available under '/scripts/build.sh' , this script acts as entry point of the docker image and run the scripts 'message_setup.py'    and 'consumer_client.py'.

(a) Docker.kafka_validate -- Docker file for building docker image of our consumer / producer client .
(d) docker-compose.yml --  available under /docker-kafka/docker-compose.yml ,Docker compose file for Confluent (Kafka / Zookeeper) images.

(a) config.yml -- available under /config/config.ymlc ontains Kafka broker level configuration like topic names, broke names , kafka configs 
      target_tz: UTC
      force_process: Y
      process_flag: Y

      kafka_broker: broker:29092
      source_topic: input_topic
      target_topic: output_topic
      group_id: foo
      batch_num_messages: 1
      queue_buffering_max_messages: 1

      auto_commit_set: False
      auto_offset_reset: earliest

      kafka_producer_poll: 0.0009
      kafka_prod_ack_flag: Y
(a) sample_json.txt : This file contains sample JSON data which can be used to ingest data to inout topic
   Ex: {"myKey": 1, "myTimestamp": "2022-04-01T09:11:04+01:00"}
       {"myKey": 2, "myTimestamp": "2022-04-02T09:11:04+01:00"}

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Getting Started

This code consumes message from kafka input topic as below {"myKey": 1, "myTimestamp": "2022-04-01T09:11:04+01:00"} where the timestamps "myTimestamp" are in incorrect format (non UTC) and convert them to UTC. it consumes data from input topic and after modifying the timestamp to UTC moves it to output topic

  • There is a config variable available in cofig.yml 'target-tz' which can be configured to change the output of the timestamp conversion to desired timezone.


Test if docker is installed or not

  • docker
    docker version
  • docker compose
    docker-compose version


_Below is the process of installing and setting up this app.

  1. Clone the repo in your home directory

    git clone https://github.com/ra1376/kafka_validate.git
  2. CD to the folder and check the files

    cd ~/kafka_validate
  3. Change execution permisison of files

    chmod +x *.sh
  4. Change execution permisison of files

    cd ~/kafka_validate/docker-kafka
  5. Execute Kafka / Zookeeper containers

    docker-compose up -d
  6. Check for containers status, if one of the container not running kill the compose and restart: docker-compose kill

    docker-compose ps
  7. build docker container

    cd ~/kafka_validate
  8. check container status

    docker ps
  9. Inspect network allocated to Kafka container, by copying the container id by running command specified in step-6 and find for Network config This step is required so that custom container and kafka container are on same network in docker , since docker assign custom network to containers created by docker-compose.

    docker inspect container_id
       "Networks": {
                 "docker-kafka_default": {
                     "IPAMConfig": null,
                     "Links": null,
                     "Aliases": [
  10. run the application container by changing the network details which was identified in step-9

docker run -i --network="docker-kafka_default" -t kafka_validate:latest /root/scripts/build.sh
  1. Validate the console logs and you can messages being consumed and converted
      [I 220803 14:18:41 validate_kafka_class:202] Consumed event from topic input_topic: key = 10           value = {"myKey": 10, "myTimestamp": "2022-04-10T09:11:04+01:00"}
      [I 220803 14:18:41 validate_kafka_class:208] processing processed messages to target_topic for incorrect timestamp values to topic : output_topic
      [I 220803 14:18:41 validate_kafka_class:214] {"myKey": 10, "myTimestamp": "2022-04-10T08:11:04+00:00"}
      [I 220803 14:18:41 validate_kafka_class:110] connecting function connect_kafka_producer
      [I 220803 14:18:41 validate_kafka_class:119] producer properties {'bootstrap.servers': 'broker:29092', 'acks': 'all', 'batch.num.messages': 1, 'queue.buffering.max.messages': 1}
      [I 220803 14:18:41 validate_kafka_class:76] Produced event to topic output_topic: key = 10           value = {'myKey': 10, 'myTimestamp': '2022-04-10T08:11:04+00:00'}
      [I 220803 14:18:41 validate_kafka_class:219] processed messages to Kafka target topic
      [I 220803 14:18:41 validate_kafka_class:202] Consumed event from topic input_topic: key = 11           value = {"myKey": 11, "myTimestamp": "2022-04-11T09:11:04+01:00"}
      [I 220803 14:18:41 validate_kafka_class:208] processing processed messages to target_topic for incorrect timestamp values to topic : output_topic
      [I 220803 14:18:41 validate_kafka_class:214] {"myKey": 11, "myTimestamp": "2022-04-11T08:11:04+00:00"}

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  • If there is change of topic name and in Broker name , then for intial setup these values are required to be changed under 'message_setup.py', for consumer app the changes can be directly configured under config.yml
  • validate_kafka_class does not check for other type of data under "myTimestamp" if there is another type of data then the program would fail.
  • Function documentation was not done. yet to be done.
  • Consumer will do synchronous commit of the message after every 1000 messages are consumed.
  • Quit the consumer client on console by typing CTRL-C.
  • In case of kafka broker not running when run docker-compose then kill the containers and re-run.

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Sample Kafka Consumer/Producer to modify JSON messages

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 97.1%Language:Shell 2.9%