an light weight API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


GUILibRD is a light weight GUI API with a tons of fast utils.


Add following content to your pom.xml:



GUILib 範例影片


First thing first you have to register your plugin by GUILib.Register(JavaPlugin)

  public void onEnable() {

To create a GUI use new a GUI with title, size

  new GUI("A GUI Title", 54);
  new GUI("A GUI Title", (ActiveGUI gui)->{
    //init your variable like icon or panel to point to address correctly 
    //if the GUI is reference to a static var, 
    //init your component here or the component data will not be reset on open.
 // if you wish to play sound on click use
 gui.setGlobalClickListener((PanelClickEvent event)->{event.player.playSound(sound);});

To assign component on GUI, use GUI#setIcon(slot, icon) or GUI#addPanel(region, panel)

To set a single Item, you can Icon or StatefulIcon and assignation the slot either by 0~53 or UILoc(x,y), the origin starts from left top to right bottom.

  //Icon is a stateless component it cannot update once instantiate.
  gui.setIcon(4, Icon of(Material display, String name, int amount, String... lore));
  //StatefulIcon is a icon with player scoped, use this if you want it to be difference with different player.  
  gui.setIcon(UILoc.of(4,0), new StatefulIcon((Player player)->{return getPlayerHead(player);}));

To set a group of Items, you can use UIPanel(Icon). Use UIRegion(x1, y1, x2, y2) or UIRegion(UILoc, UILoc) to set the region.

  gui.addPanel(new UIRegion.single(2,2),new UIPanel(Icon.of(itemstack)));
  //if you wish to do some custom event, use
  panel.setClickListener((PanelClickEvent event)->event.player.sendMessage("you clicked this panel"));

If you want some other event, theres:

  • PanelClickEvent
  • ShowcaseChangeEvent
  • GUICloseEvent
  • GUIDisposeEvent

Extension of UIPanel can help you do some trick easily like:

  • BorderPanel
  • ButtonPanel
  • IconListPanel
  • IntegerLeverPanel
  • ProgressBarPanel
  • ShowcasePanel
  • TogglePanel
  • ValuePanel

In the end you will want to show the GUI to player

Simply use GUI#open(Player) to open a gui to this player and get its instantiated acitve gui

  ActiveGUI actives = GUI.open(player);

Please contact me if you want to know how the details work.


an light weight API


Language:Java 100.0%