r33drichards / logdy-core

Supercharge terminal logs with web browser UI and low-code. It's like jq, tail, less, grep and awk merged together and available in a clean UI.

Home Page:https://demo.logdy.dev

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Logdy - terminal logs in web browser

Supercharge terminal logs with web browser UI and low-code (TypeScript snippets). Save 90% of time searching and browsing logs. It's like jq, tail, less, grep and awk merged together and available in a clean UI. Self-hosted, single binary.


Visit logdy.dev for more info.

Download precompiled binary

Naviage to releases Github page and download the latest release for your architecture. In addition you can add the binary to your PATH for easier access.

Quick start

Below are few examples of what Logdy can do. Whatever the below commands will produce, will be forwarded to a Web UI.

logdy stdin 'npm run dev'
logdy stdin 'node index.js'
logdy stdin 'go run .'
logdy stdin 'python script.py'
logdy stdin 'tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log'

The following should appear

INFO[2024-02...] WebUI started, visit http://localhost:8080    port=8080

Open the URL Address and start building parsers, columns and filters.


For product documentation navigate to the official docs.


  logdy [command] [flags]
  logdy [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  demo        Starts a demo mode, random logs will be produced, the [number] defines a number of messages produced per second
  help        Help about any command
  socket      Sets up a port to listen on for incoming log messages. Example ./logdy socket 8233
  stdin       Listens to STDOUT/STDERR of a provided command. Example ./logdy stdin "npm run dev"

  -h, --help           help for logdy
  -n, --no-analytics   Opt-out from sending anonymous analytical data that help improve this product
  -p, --port string    Port on which the Web UI will be served (default "8080")
  -v, --verbose        Verbose logs
      --version        version for logdy

Use "logdy [command] --help" for more information about a command.


For development, we recommend running demo mode

go run . demo 1

The above command will start Logdy in demo mode with 1 log message produced per second. You can read more about demo mode.


For a local architecture build

go build


For a cross architecture build use gox. This will generate multiple binaries (in bin/ dir) for specific architectures, don't forget to update main.Version tag.

gox \
    -ldflags "-X 'main.Version=0.2.0'" \
    -output="bin/{{.Dir}}_{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}" \
    -osarch="linux/amd64 windows/386 windows/amd64 darwin/amd64 darwin/arm64 linux/arm64"

Once it's ready, publish the binaries in a new Github release. Again, don't forget to update the version.

ghr v0.2.0 bin/


Supercharge terminal logs with web browser UI and low-code. It's like jq, tail, less, grep and awk merged together and available in a clean UI.



Language:Go 100.0%