r2ys / easy-es

Better Elastic Search search engine framework, the bottom layer adopts RestHighLevelClient, API design consistent with Mybatis-plus, zero additional learning cost, shielding language differences, developers only need to know MySQL syntax to complete Es-related operations, both Low code, easy to use, easy to expand and other features, support Es unique highlighting, weighting, word segmentation, Geo and other functions...

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Born To Simplify Development

maven code style

What is Easy-Es?

Easy-Es is a powerfully enhanced toolkit of RestHighLevelClient for simplify development. This toolkit provides some efficient, useful, out-of-the-box features for ElasticSearch. By using Easy-Es, you can use MySQL syntax to complete Es queries. Use it can effectively save your development time.

Official website




  • Auto configuration on startup
  • Out-of-the-box interfaces for operate es
  • Powerful and flexible where condition wrapper
  • Lambda-style API
  • Automatic paging operation
  • Support high-level syntax such as highlighting and weighting and Geo etc
  • ...


Demand: Query all documents with title equals "Hi" and author equals "Guy"

// Use Easy-Es to complete the query with only 3 lines of code
LambdaEsQueryWrapper<Document> wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle, "Hi").eq(Document::getCreator, "Guy");
List<Document> documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
// Query with RestHighLevelClient requires 11 lines of code, not including parsing JSON code
String indexName = "document";
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(indexName);
BoolQueryBuilder boolQueryBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
TermQueryBuilder titleTerm = QueryBuilders.termQuery("title", "Hi");
TermsQueryBuilder creatorTerm = QueryBuilders.termsQuery("creator", "Guy");
SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
try {
    SearchResponse searchResponse = restHighLevelClient.search(searchRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
    // Then parse the DocumentList from searchResponse in various ways, omitting these codes...
    } catch (IOException e) {

The above is just a simple query demonstration. The more complex the actual query scene, the better the effect, which can save 3-5 times the amount of code on average.

Getting started

  • Add Easy-Es dependency

    • Latest Version: Maven Central
    • Maven:
        <version>Latest Version</version>
    • Gradle
      compile group: 'io.github.xpc1024', name: 'easy-es-boot-starter', version: 'Latest Version'
  • Add mapper file extends BaseEsMapper interface

    public interface DocumentMapper extends BaseMapper<Document> {
  • Use it

    LambdaEsQueryWrapper<Document> wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
    wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle,"Hello World")
    List<Document> documentList = documentMapper.selectList();

    Easy-Es will execute the following Query:

    {"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"term":{"title":{"value":"Hello World","boost":1.0}}},{"term":{"creator":{"value":"Guy","boost":1.0}}}],"adjust_pure_negative":true,"boost":1.0}}}

    The syntax of this query in MySQL is:

     SELECT * FROM document WHERE title = 'Hello World' AND creator = 'Guy'

This showcase is just a small part of Easy-Es features. If you want to learn more, please refer to the documentation.


In the early stage of project promotion, I hope everyone can give a little bit of three links: ⭐Star, 👀Watch, fork📌, support the spirit of open source, let more people see and use this project, thank you very much!

Syntax comparison with MySQL

MySQL Easy-Es
and and
or or
= eq
!= ne
> gt
>= ge
< lt
<= le
like '%field%' like
not like '%field%' notLike
like '%field' likeLeft
like 'field%' likeRight
between between
notBetween notBetween
is null isNull
is notNull isNotNull
in in
not in notIn
group by groupBy
order by orderBy
min min
max max
avg avg
sum sum
sum sum
- orderByAsc
- orderByDesc
- match
- highLight
... ...


Donate Easy-Es


Easy-Es is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the Apache License 2.0 file for details.


Better Elastic Search search engine framework, the bottom layer adopts RestHighLevelClient, API design consistent with Mybatis-plus, zero additional learning cost, shielding language differences, developers only need to know MySQL syntax to complete Es-related operations, both Low code, easy to use, easy to expand and other features, support Es unique highlighting, weighting, word segmentation, Geo and other functions...

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%