r1cdev / touchosc-reaktor-toybox-tp

Reaktor ToyBox Tangle Pack Sequencer

Repository from Github https://github.comr1cdev/touchosc-reaktor-toybox-tpRepository from Github https://github.comr1cdev/touchosc-reaktor-toybox-tp

Reaktor ToyBox Tangle Pack Sequencer

TouchOSC template for a custom-built Reaktor rack sequencer

  • Instrument: Reaktor ToyBox Tangle Pack Sequencer, 3 tracks, 32 steps, MIDI
  • Model: TBT-332 (custom-built)
  • Version: 1.0
  • Release



A TouchOSC template to control and play with a tablet device a custom-built Reaktor 3 tracks, 32 steps sequencer, using the ToyBox Tangle Pack modular blocks. It "materializes" a physical sequencer in a tablet device for your musical production workflow to jam and inspire your productions. ➡️ Demo


Reaktor runs in standalone mode outside of a DAW using the custom-built rack (preset) file included in the repository. You can play either a virtual instrument in your DAW or play an external instrument with midi. Communication between the template and a Reaktor use OSC protocol. Communication between the template and a DAW use MIDI protocol. Clock synchronization can be selected in 3 modes:

Clock Mode 1: Reaktor internal Clock

Reaktor is the master clock source. Select INT as the clock source in the template. You can optionally configure Reaktor as the master clock if you want to send MIDI Clock to a DAW or an external gear. Configure your DAW or your external synthesizer or modular gear to receive and sync to an external clock source provided by Reaktor. Each DAW and external gear handles clock configuration slightly differently, so how you enable clock synchronization to an external source may require specific setup steps in each environment.

Clock Mode 2: Ableton Link

Ableton Link is the master clock source. Toggle INT and select Link as the clock source in the template. Enable Ableton Link in both Ableton and Reaktor. Configure your external synthesizer or modular gear to receive and sync to an external clock source provided by Ableton. Each external gear handles clock configuration slightly differently, so how you enable clock synchronization to a external source may require specific setup steps in each environment. Configure in Ableton the MIDI mapping for the transport controls (play/stop/BPM) and adjust the BPM scaling from 20 to 240.

Clock Mode 3: External Clock (Reason)

Reason (or any other DAW) is the master clock source. Toggle INT and select EXT as the clock source in the template. Enable "Sync to External Clock" in Reaktor to receive clock from your DAW and enable clock send in your DAW. Configure the MIDI clock sync output to use a virtual MIDI port. Important: Mode 3 can be used with any other DAW provided it can send MIDI clock sync signal. Each DAW and external gear handles clock configuration slightly differently, so how you enable clock synchronization to an external source may require specific setup steps in each environment. Configure in your DAW the MIDI mapping for the transport controls (play/stop/BPM) and adjust the BPM scaling accordingly. BPM scale is already configured for Reason DAW in the template side.

Virtual MIDI ports

Use a virtual midi port in your computer to communicate Reaktor with your DAW. On a PC you can use loopMIDI. On a Mac, you can use the IAC bus to create any number of virtual MIDI buses. This driver can be activated in the Audio MIDI Setup Utility.

Snapshot sync and midi takeover

If your template and your Reaktor session are open, the sequencer values and snapshots are in sync. But once you close any of them, further separate changes will lose sync. To keep both in sync, it is recommended to manually save your template and the Reaktor rack session simultaneously before closing and recall them later to continue working. Be aware that TouchOSC does not support automatic template saving, so you must do it manually. The template uses "absolute" scaling, so you occasionally will need to move the controllers to pick up the correct value.


  • Instrument: Custom-built 3 tracks, 32 steps sequencer
  • Plugin: Native Instruments - Reaktor 6
  • Libraries:
  • Main Modules: Sequencers, Utility
  • Operation Mode: Standalone
  • DAW (Optional): Mode 2: Ableton Live, Mode 3: Any, provided it can send MIDI clock sync signal
  • MIDI: Virtual MIDI port


  • Tracks: 3 tracks
  • Steps: 32 steps per track, melodic sequencer
  • MIDI out: Pitch, gate (with velocity level)
  • Modulation: Velocity, Gate time, Shuffle
  • 8 Sequencer modes:
    • fwd
    • rev
    • fwd-rev
    • tri
    • patt1
    • patt2
    • rand
    • glitch
  • Snapshots: up to 4 to store and recall sequencer values
  • Link: Link changes in control values
  • Clear: Initialize values
  • Reset: Reset to start position
  • Transpose: +24 to -24 interval keyboard
  • Mute: Mute midi output
  • Pause: Pause sequencer
  • Step: 1 step forward
  • Clock: 3 modes: Internal (Reaktor), External - Ableton Link, External - Clock Sync
  • OSC return: Return control sequencer values to the template (position, gate, play status)

Reaktor rack

  • Custom Built Rack: Modular sequencer blocks: note, gate, level, ramp, counter, clock and utility.
  • Blocks:
  • Blocks Mapping: OSC
  • Reaktor OSC Configuration:
    • OSC Activate ON
    • Receive on Port 10000
    • OSC Send (Identifier Target, Tablet device IP address, Port 10000)
  • Rack File: TBT-332-v1.0.nksr

TouchOSC Connections

  • Reaktor Mapping: OSC (already mapped)
  • DAW Mapping: MIDI
  • Tablet device TouchOSC Connections:
    • MIDI Connection 1: Send Port: Bridge, Receive Port: Bridge
    • OSC Connection 1: Host (IP of PC host), Ports: send 10000, receive 10000
    • OSC Connection 2: Host (IP of PC host), Ports: send 12101, receive 12101 (OSC send keystrokes)
    • Bridge: Host (IP of PC host)
  • Virtual MIDI interface: Virtual midi ports on the PC or Mac to communicate Reaktor with DAW
  • Physical MIDI: To communicate Reaktor with external gear
  • Instructions: See How to Set Up TouchOSC with Reaktor in Native Instruments support site.


  • Control surface software: TouchOSC
  • Tablet: An iOS or Android Tablet
  • DAW (Optional): Mode 2: Ableton Live, Mode 3: Any, provided it can send MIDI clock sync signal
  • Plugin: Native Instruments - Reaktor 6
  • Reaktor Blocks:
  • Target virtual instrument: Any virtual instrument in your DAW
  • Target external instrument: Any external midi instrument
  • MIDI: Virtual MIDI ports


Download the following files to use the template:


GitHub License

All assets and code are under the MIT LICENSE in the public domain unless specified otherwise.

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Reaktor ToyBox Tangle Pack Sequencer

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 100.0%