Scripts to copy Rocks Clusters roll isos to a generic (linux) webserver for faster local hosting
Purpose: Rocks 7.0 frontends require a web server to have rolls "installed" to download. Sometimes distance or other issues indicate that a local copy on an existing (non-Rocks) web-server would be much better. The scripts in this repository help with that.
There are four scripts defined in this roll
- - copy a roll iso contents for web serving
- index.cgi - cgi to present roll directory in a standard format
- (optional) - defines a virtual server httpd configuration file
- unpack-guides (optional) - unpacks roll users guides into a web-servable directory
0. Preparation
- clone this repository
git clone
- download the roll isos from UCSD.
I. Copy Roll(s) to a web directory
For this example, will assume the /var/www/html/rocks/7.0
is the (already created) parent directory into
which you want to copy rolls. The
script will create the subdirectory install/rolls
to copy the iso file, CentOS-7.4.1708-0.x86_64.disk1.iso
to the the release directory:
# CentOS-7.4.1708-0.x86_64.disk1.iso /var/www/html/rocks/7.0
Repeat the above for each roll iso that you want to copy
II. Make certain that the supplied index.cgi
script gives the directory listing
# cp index.cgi /var/www/html/rocks/7.0/install/rolls
You will probably need to add something like the following in your Apache configuration, so that the directory index is given via the index.cgi
# allow all access to the rolls RPMS
<Directory /var/www/html/rocks/7.0/install/rolls>
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes ExecCGI
DirectoryIndex /rocks/7.0/install/rolls/index.cgi
Allow from all
(See below for an example of how to test and verify that your index.cgi is being called properly)
III. (Optional) provide a virtual httpd server
The script
will write to standard output a reasonable stanza for Apache web server configuration.
Suppose that you wanted the virtual server to be called
and have it used the directory above.
Then /var/www/html/rocks/7.0
will generate an httpds conf file. It is your responsibility to place this on the appropriate directory and restart your webserver.
IV. (Optional) unpack the userguides You can unpack userguides /var/www/html/rocks/7.0/install/rolls /var/www/html/rocks/7.0
V. Verifying that your output is correct (that is, index.cgi is being called) try
wget -O -
and compare the output of the rocks central server listing of rolls to your website, something like
wget -O -
You should see output very similar to
TTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 877 [text/html]
Saving to: ‘STDOUT’
0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s <html><body><table><tr><td>
<a href="area51/">area51/</a>
<a href="base/">base/</a>
<a href="CentOS/">CentOS/</a>
<a href="core/">core/</a>
<a href="fingerprint/">fingerprint/</a>
<a href="ganglia/">ganglia/</a>
<a href="hpc/">hpc/</a>
<a href="htcondor/">htcondor/</a>
<a href="kernel/">kernel/</a>
<a href="kvm/">kvm/</a>
<a href="openvswitch/">openvswitch/</a>
<a href="perl/">perl/</a>
<a href="python/">python/</a>
<a href="sge/">sge/</a>
<a href="Updates-CentOS-7.4.1708/">Updates-CentOS-7.4.1708/</a>
<a href="zfs-linux/">zfs-linux/</a>
100%[======================================>] 877 --.-K/s in 0s
VI. Verifying that rolls directories can be listed
The rolls themselves need be listed. Try the following
wget -O -
and verify that when you use your roll server instead that you get the same output
VII. Other items to check
The following may need to be checked/changed for your setup:
Firewall needs modifying on your web server to allow http access (platform sepcific)
SELinux may need to be modified or turned off (e.g.,
setenforce Permissive