r0f1 / ml_checklist

Explorative Data Analysis Guidelines

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Explorative Data Analysis

Get data into a usable format!
Find out if the following predictive modeling phase will be successful!

  • Combine everything into a single big table
    • Convert files to .csv
    • Merge files
    • Fix encoding issues
    • Clean column names (english, no whitespace, no special chars)
    • Are there duplicate columns?
    • Fix datatypes (datetime, int, float, string)
  • Look at the raw data
    • Sort data
    • Filter data by various criteria
  • Investigation
    • Non-sensical observations/artifacts?
    • Coding of categorical features?
    • Missing values?
    • Outliers?
    • Constant values (=Zero Importance)?
    • Low importance features?
    • Collinear, correlated or otherwise dependent features?
    • Highly skewed features?
    • Irrelevant features?
  • Univariate Analysis
    • Look at mean, median, min, max, std, iqr, quantiles (1%, 5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%, 99%)
    • Draw boxplots, histograms
  • Multivariate Analysis
    • Draw scatter plots
    • Create correlation matrix
  • Time Series? -> Plot variables over time
  • Fixing issues
    • Impute missing values (mode, median, mean)
    • Remove variables that have too many missings
    • Remove observations that have too many missings
    • Select appropriate time slice
  • Preparation
    • Clip values that are too small/too large
    • Scale to [0,1] or normalize (mean=0, std=1) or Robust / Quantile Scaling
    • One-hot encoding, Label Encoding (0,1,2,3)
    • Create log-transformed versions for highly skewed variables
    • Create binned versions for variables
    • Combine categories for highly skewed categorical variables
    • Create sum/difference/product/quotient of variables
    • Create polynomial features


Explorative Data Analysis Guidelines