r--w / frontend-assigment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Please write in a single page application that will display coin details using Vue framework. Use Technologies that you consider helpful, but without any CSS frameworks. The application should contain the Listing and Detail page.



Documentation is available at: https://api.coinpaprika.com/

Library: https://github.com/coinpaprika/coinpaprika-api-nodejs-client

Mostly you are interested in endpoints:


Layout: Should contain 3 breakpoints, please use SASS with BEM Methodology without any CSS frameworks (only your code). Listing should have a pager and display 10 items per page) Breakpoints:

  • < 768px (item in three rows)
  • >= 768px (item in two rows)
  • >= 992px (item in one row)

Detail page of Bitcoin (BTC ticker)

Layout: Should contain all details from the endpoint, and be optimized for each breakpoint. Breakpoints:

  • < 768px (items on one column)
  • >= 768px (items on two columns)
  • >= 992px (items in three columns)
