qwaider / wsd

A system for unsupervised knowledge-free interpretable word sense disambiguation based on the JoBimText framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unsupervised Knowledge Free Word Sense Disambiguation

A software to construct and visualize Word Sense Disambiguation models based on JoBimText models.

This project consists of multiple subprojects:

  • A REST api project
  • A ReactJS web frontend project
  • A spark project for calculating the model and exporting it to a DB
  • A babelnet-downloader to retrieve test data

This README covers how to deploy the Web frontend together with the API. For topics on the other subprojects you will find READMEs within their folders.

Deployment of Web frontend and API



Start by checking out this repository.

git clone https://github.com/uhh-lt/wsd
cd wsd

1. Prepare the postgres DB

We recommend to first use a toy training dataset to build a toy model within a few minutes. Building the full model is the most time intensive part and also currently least documented. That is why we thought you might not want to start with it, but first finish the installation of the web application and then come back to build the full model in seciton 1.2.

1.1 Build small toy model


This model only provides senses for the word "Python" but is fully functional and should be used during the initial setup of the web application.

1.2 Build full model

Once you are ready to build the full model, here is how to do it. It will take nearly 11 hours on an eight core machine with 30GB of memory and needs 120GB of free disk space.

  • First follow the instruction in data/training/README.md to download the training data into the same folder.
  • Than take a lookt at the script scripts/spark_submit_jar.sh and adjust the amount of memory used to whatever you want to provide to Spark.
  • Optionally you can copy sample-app.conf to app.conf and include the commented out params in scripts/spark_submit_jar.sh and further configure the software by changing app.conf. Take a look at sample-app.conf to get an idea of what can be configured.
  • Finally use the following script to compute the model: scripts/build_model.sh

2. Start the web application

The web application useses Docker Compose to manage three services: DB, API and Website.

To start the application:

  • First copy the configuration file: cp sample-docker-compose.override.yml docker-compose.override.yml.
  • By changing docker-compose.override.yml you can customize the deployment. See the official documentation for detailed explanation of this file.
  • Then start the web application with: ./scripts/web_app/start.sh

Maintenance related commands

You can get informations about the running containers with:

docker-compose ps
docker-compose logs
docker-compose top

Shut the container down (i.e. removing them) with:

docker-compose down

For further information on Compose consult the documentation


A system for unsupervised knowledge-free interpretable word sense disambiguation based on the JoBimText framework


Language:JavaScript 59.1%Language:Scala 36.0%Language:Shell 3.0%Language:PHP 1.5%Language:HTML 0.3%Language:Python 0.1%Language:CSS 0.0%