Library Cloud API
This is an alpha release Library Cloud API v2 (see for current library cloud). Currently the api contains "item" data, which is bibliographic data in modified MODS format ( see ). Eventually other data types such as "collection" will be added. This is a java application using a jersey implementation of the jax-rs api for RESTful web services. It runs in a servlet container (such as tomcat) and relies on an instance of solr with fields mapped from MODS. Currently these fields are centered on marc bibliiographic data, but will eventually be extended to handle other data such as visual resources and EAD finding aid component data.
API documentation and link forthcoming
Prerequisites: Download and install java 7. Be sure to set your JAVA_HOME environment variable. Download and intsall a servlet container such as tomcat 7 (
Build and Deploy:
Running "ant" from the root directory (which contains build.xml) will compile source, create a librarycloud war file and deploy to the servlet container (such as tomcat - not included) location. To specify the servlet container location, set appserver.home in (you must change the ~/ prior to build).
A complete solr instance (v 4.8), including a schema.xml configured for library cloud solr data, is included in this project. If you wish to use this instance, run "ant deploysolr" - this will copy solr to the location you specify for the solr.home property in
The solr.url is specified in; the default is http://localhost:8983/solr/librarycloud, and will work with the included solr instance. To use your own solr 4x instance, copy the schema.xml from ~solr/librarycloud/conf/ directory to your solr core (such as librarycloud) conf directory (please see solr documentation for details on setting up cores), and change the solr.url property in if necessary (you must change the conf/ prior to build; it will be copied to the WEB-INF/classes directory).
Start solr by going to your solr home directory and running java -jar start.jar (precede with nohup and follow with & to run in background).
To add sample records run "java -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/librarycloud/update -jar post.jar samplerecs.xml" from solr home (change the url if you have configured your own solr instance).
Now start your servlet container, such as tomcat, and go to http://localhost:8080/librarycloud/v2/items.
Run the following commands:
sudo yum install git java ant
git clone
cd librarycloud
(Or spin up a new AWS server from here)
Edit ~/
and set solr_home=/usr/local/solr
sudo ant deploysolr
cd /usr/local/solr
sudo nohup java -jar start.jar &
cd ~/librarycloud/solr
java -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/librarycloud/update -jar post.jar samplerecs.xm
Edit ~/
and set appserver_home=/var/lib/tomcat/
Edit ~/webapps/WEB-INF/classes/
and set solr_url=http://localhost:8983/solr/librarycloud
Run the following commands:
sudo yum install tomcat tomcat-webapps tomcat-admin-webapps
sudo chkconfig tomcat on
sudo service tomcat start
cd ~/librarycloud
sudo ant