quintus0505 / The-37K-Dataset-Analysis

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The 37K Dataset Analysis

This is the code for processing the 37K dataset presented in How do People Type on Mobile Devices? Observations from a Study with 37,000 Volunteers, currently support computing Word Modified Ratio (WMR) and Auto-Correction Ratio (AC).

For using the code, you need to download the dataset and put the csv files in the original_data folder.

For some reason the IKI recorded in the original open_input_test_sections can not be trusted 100%, we also provide function computing iki based on the TIMESTAMP

Running the code


  • --data-cleaning Generate the cleaned dataset
  • --analyze Analyze the dataset and save the visaulization sheets
  • --visualize Generate the plots and save them
  • --visualize-by-edit-distance split the data by edit distance for visualization
  • --visualize-by-sentence-length split the data by reference sentence length for visualization


  • --keyboard The keyboard used by the participants, currently support "Gboard", without his option, the code will process all the keyboards
  • --auto-correct Whether to compute the Auto-Correction Ratio (AC)
  • --os Which OS is used when typing, supporting Android and iOS

metrics (for analyzing and visualization)

  • --modification Compute the modification ratio on characters level
  • --wmr Compute the Word Modified Ratio (WMR) on word level
  • --ac Compute the Auto-Correction Ratio (AC) on word level
  • --edit-distance Compute the edit distance on character level

other info (for analyzing and visualization)

  • --age get the age vs iki
  • --num get the number of test section vs iki

other helping tools

  • --filter Filter the dataset by the modification ratio, need data cleaning first (modify inside code for above or below)

Generating the needed dataset

python main.py --data-cleaning --auto-correct --keyboard Gboard

Filtering the dataset

python main.py --filter 0.8 --auto-correct --keyboard Gboard
python main.py --filter --iki 345.5 --rebuild

Analyzing the dataset

python main.py --analyze --keyboard Gboard --auto-correct --modification --wmr --ac

Generating the plots

python main.py --visualize --keyboard Gboard --auto-correct --modification --wmr --ac



Language:Python 100.0%Language:Shell 0.0%