quii / lol-notes

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graph TD
    E[Enemy comp]
    E --> Tanky
    E --> Squishy
    E --> Immobile
    E --> Mobile
    E --> Divers
    E --> Assassins
    E --> Low-range
    E --> Low-cc
    E --> Low-sustained-dmg
    E --> All-AD

    Assassins --> Galio
    Tanky --> Viktor
    Tanky --> Swain
    Squishy --> Syndra
    Squishy --> Akali
    Squishy --> Vex
    Immobile --> Akali
    Immobile --> Zoe
    Low-cc --> Akali
    Mobile --> Lissandra
    Mobile --> Zilean
    Mobile --> Vex
    Divers --> Zilean
    Divers --> Lissandra
    Low-range --> Swain
    Low-range --> Heimerdinger
    Low-range --> Zoe
    Low-sustained-dmg -->Swain
    All-AD --> Cho
    All-AD --> Sion

    B[Our comp]
    B --> No-tanks
    B --> More-than-one-hypercarry
    B --> No-cc
    B --> Heavy-engage

    No-tanks --> Swain
    No-tanks --> Cho
    No-cc --> Galio

    Lissandra --> DontCss["Dont pick vs Cass"]

    Swain --> DontAhri[Dont pick vs Ahri]
    Swain --> DontVeigar[Dont pick vs Veigar]

What every comp needs

  • Engage
  • Disengage/peel
  • Mix of AP/AD
  • 1 or 2 frontliners

Nuance to it though

  • For example if Fiora, we need something to match her on the side lanes
  • If there are tanks, you need consistent DPS, rather than burst
  • Think about power through game, e.g don't pick an all-scaling comp
  • If they don't have engage, we can go poke

Synergy with jungle

Need combination of CC and damage

Specific counterpicks

  • vs AD assasins = Malphite
  • vs AP assasins = Galio
  • vs melee heavy = Taliyah
  • Blind pick = Ori or Viktor

My pool needs

  • A mixture of AD and AP
  • Early/late strength
  • Need a beefy counter to assasins, Galio/Sett


  • Do I have gold to buy something? (1k is a good rule of thumb)
  • If poor waveclear (e.g Akali), probably not worth shoving, as it'll more likely set up a freeze. So just match the base

Things to think through start of game

  • Think of the side of lane to lean
    • e.g If top is tank vs tank, not likely to be gank heavy, so ward to botside
  • Am i likely to be ganked?
    • What jungler do they have?
    • What about support?
    • Maybe go phase rush if ganks likely
    • If not, think about how to use priority
  • Play safe 3-4 mins
  • Don’t use CC/escape when pushed
  • Run away from jungle, not necessarily turret
  • Only pressure when you have numbers advantage
  • Bait baron to use gold advantages
  • 2:40 is gank timing (ward no later than 2:25)

First back thoughts

  • lost chapter is greedy, take if enemy jungle is behind, if we're ahead etc
  • otherwise, boots, dark seal
