quiet-professionals-jsingletary / qp-gavel-app

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Welcome to Gavel

   __                                ___
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/\ \_\ \   /'__`\   /\ \/\ \ / ,.`\ \//\ \    _______  /'__`\   /\ '__`\ /\ '__`\
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   /\____/ \/__/\/_/  \/__/  \/____/  \/____/          \/__/\/_/  \ \ \/   \ \ \/
   \_/__/                                                          \/_/     \/_/

Detailed documentation can be found on the wiki: https://github.com/Esri/esri-react-boot/wiki


  • Ready to deploy (build) React application
  • Loads Esri's ArcGIS JS API
  • Map component that supports 2D/3D
  • Built in Authentication with ArcGIS REST JS
  • Includes Calcite-React with UI examples

and so much more...

Technology Stack

This project uses a number of open source libraries. We encourage you to become familiar with these libraries before you begin here.

Library Source
React https://reactjs.org/
Redux https://redux.js.org/
Create-React-App https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/
Redux-Saga https://github.com/redux-saga/redux-saga
esri-loader https://github.com/Esri/esri-loader
ArcGIS JS API https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/
ArcGIS REST JS https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-rest-js
Styled-Components https://www.styled-components.com/
Calcite-React https://github.com/Esri/calcite-react


The project utilizes Node & Node Package Manager to install dependencies and run a local development server. As part of Create-React-App you'll need to install Node (includes NPM) before you can run the Esri-React-Boot:

Esri Resources

  • awesome-arcgis
  • YouTube Content by Esri
    • Esri Events
    • Esri Industries
    • ArcGIS


Clone the repository and install the dependencies:

$ npm install


Build and run live server:

$ npm start

Source Code Audit (lines of code)

The following table displays the cumulative lines of code that have been added to as well as a deeper breakdown of the

Code Type Lines of Code
Physical 7576
Source 4882
Comment 1812
Comment (Single-Line) 1504
Block Comment 308
Mixed 78
Empty (Block comment) 3
Empty 963
To-Do 39
Number of files read 57


Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue.

Esri Ecosystem

ArcGIS JavaScript - API KEYS & Credentials


NOTE: Application credentials are similar to API keys in that both access location services on behalf -- of a specific application or project. In general, it is preferable that you use API keys to access -- location services over application credentials.

Implementation of Gavel -

  1. The only requirement within your application's code is to specify what URL should be proxied.

  2. Then point to the correct location of the proxy file.

    1. First, add esri/core/urlUtils to your require statement.
    2. Next, specify the URL for the secured resource.
    3. Lastly, specify the location to the proxy file.
    require (["esri/core/urlUtils"], function(urlUtils) {
          urlPrefix: "my-standalone-arcgis-server.com"
          proxyUrl: "/proxy/"


Esri welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone. Please see our guidelines for contributing. -->


Copyright 2019 Esri

Copyright &ci 2021 Quiet Professionals, LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

A copy of the license is available in the repository's license.txt file.



Language:SCSS 50.5%Language:JavaScript 29.2%Language:CSS 19.3%Language:Shell 0.8%Language:HTML 0.3%