questerson / showlist

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Showlist / Movie Guide

Description of project

How It's Made:

Tech used: HTML, EJS, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS, Mongodb

This is a fullstack web app running on NodeJS and Mongodb. Show is stored in individual objects inside of a database, which can then be retrieved via the server's own web API. The front-end of the application uses EJS to dynamically render show data that the user retrieves.

Packages/Dependencies used

bcrypt, connect-mongo, dotenv, ejs, express, express-flash, express-session, mongodb, mongoose, morgan, nodemon, passport, passport-local, validator

Install all the dependencies or node packages used for development via Terminal

npm install

Things to add

  • Create a .env file and add the following as key: value
    • PORT: 2121 (can be any port example: 3000)
    • DB_STRING: your database URI


Lessons Learned:



Language:JavaScript 50.7%Language:EJS 27.1%Language:CSS 22.1%