quchen / amoeba

Amœba is a distributed network.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Amœba is a program for setting up a distributed network. The name comes from the hope that eventually, the network will be so robust that you can poke any of its parts without endangering its overall integrity.

This is how a small network looks like. It consists of 359 nodes, each trying to maintain 5-10 incoming and outgoing connections. Initially, three independent clusters were created; the last 30 nodes knew of these clusters and joined them together over the course of a minute. Darker colours indicate a more central role of a node in the network (betweenness centrality). Click for higher resolution.

(Picture missing, uh oh)

The current development stage is unstable alpha.

Branch Status
master (Travis image broken)
develop (Travis image broken)

Explanation in simple terms

(This section is for you if you're wondering what the fuzz about the above crumbled up piece of strings and dots is.)

I was always superficially fascinated by complex systems and networks, most notably by what is called emergence: the appearance of complex behaviour in systems made up from simple rules. A single ant does not do anything complex, and neither do ten of them. Put a thousand together though and you will discover that, although each is still individually doing the same things as before, it will amount to something much bigger than what you would have expected from the individual: complex structures of air tunnels or fungus farms. Another example is any living organism: even if you understood how every cell worked exactly, you still would have no idea about whether (or why) putting them together in some way can make up the organism that I am right now, typing this paragraph.

Networks also exhibit a lot of emergent properties, and contrary to living organisms they are much more suitable to being simulated and applied by computers. A network in this sense is simply a number of constituents with connections to other constituents. These networks can consist of people (where conncetions can be "who likes who" or "have met each other at some point"), computers ("connected over the internet", "contains parts made by the same manufacturer"), languages ("what words can be used after others") and many other things.

Amœba is a program that creates a computer network. I came up with the idea around the time of the first Bitcoin boom in 2013; the Torrent network did also seem somewhat interesting to me. So I thought "why not implement a basic version of something like that yourself?" - generously estimating 500 lines of code to get the core done. Months and thousands of lines of code added/removed/edited later, a satisfying first version is still just barely on the horizon, but it's finished enough to be able to play around with it. The "crumbled up piece of strings and dots" above is a snapshot of an Amœba network, a few seconds before I terminated half of it to see whether it would survive that without clustering into many disconnected components. Research has begun! :-)

Planned features

  • Anonymity: every node only knows about its immediate neighbours. Unless explicitly added, the origin of a signal sent over the network is untraceable.

  • The network should be as robust as possible against malicious participants.

  • Even large network outages should not lead to disconnected components.

  • Neat live graph drawing to have a global view of the entire network (or at least the nodes choosing to be published).

Also see the issues list on GitHub.

Research goals

  • Structure

    • What node degrees are necessary for a robust network?

    • How long, if possible, does it take an almost dead node to heal again?

    • How does the network diameter scale with number of participants? This is important to ensure the shortest paths between arbitrary nodes stay short, ensuring fast message delivery.

    • What are the timescales for bootstrapping the network, adding or removing one node or many nodes?

    • How do two disconnected network components meld together when a connection is introduced?

  • Integrity

    • What attacks can be prevented by design?

    • Worst case scenarios: what are malicious participants allowed to do?

These goals are subject to certain constraints:

  • A node only knows its immediate neighbours. (No global knowledge hacks.)

  • Network dynamics are static: a link is only broken by technical failure, and not as part of the network dynamics.

Network description

(Picture missing, uh oh)

The picture shows the network structure of a small Amœba network. Blue arrows are ordinary connections, while red ones stand for local direct connections, used by special network services.

Normal nodes

  • All nodes run identical programs.

  • Each node has a number of upstream and downstream neighbours, which are allowed to send data to the current node, or accept data sent by it, respectively. It has no knowledge about the network other than its neighbours.

  • Nodes have a minimum and maximum number of neighbours for both upstream and downstream connections (independent of each other). If there is a deficit of connections, nodes will request new neighbours from the network; if there is a surplus, no new connections will be accepted; if there is neither, no requests will be sent, but incoming requests will be processed.

  • If a node has a deficit in connections, it will randomly tell one of its neighbours of it. This is called an edge request, and contains its own address, and parameters determining how far the request should travel through the network. The edge request is relayed by receiving nodes a number of times, passing it on to one of their own downstream neighbours, until eventually one of them accepts the request, and establishes the desired connection with the initially issuing node.

    The number of edge requests depending on the deficit is currently a simple square root:

    (Picture missing, uh oh)

  • Nodes will attempt to minimize the number of connections above the minimum by pruning. They will do so by telling downstream neighbours of their wish to drop the connection, which will be accepted if this can be done without making the partner go below the minimum limit.

  • Initial connection is made using a special bootstrap service, see the section below.

  • To look at the large scale structure of the network, a special request can be made by a special graph plot server. This request makes every client send a list of all its neighbours to the plot server. (This is strictly a debugging tool, since it opens the door for a truckload of attacks.)

Special services

A central point in node design is that they reject signals from unregistered origins, so that spamming a single node from outside does not affect the network at all.

However, this is sometimes too restrictive: for some services, it makes sense to be able to issue signals, despite them not being part of the network. To solve this problem, nodes can be spawned with a special direct communication channel that can be used to send messages to it directly.

Bootstrap server

A bootstrap server is the first contact a node makes after startup, and issues edge requests on behalf of its client.

Drawing server

The drawing server's purpose is creating a map of the network to study its structure. Issues a signal that makes every (willing) node of the network send it a list of their downstream neighbours.

Known vulnerabilities and immunities

This is a list of known and feasible attacks on the current design:

  • Malicious single nodes

    • DDoS: Spamming the network with loads of trashy messages. Especially flooding signals (such as text messages) have a very large impact compared to the single signal they are issued with. Furthermore messages are anonymous, so if you have N neighbours, you can at least send N messages per malicious node without any possible spam protection being able to jump in.

    • Spamming the bootstrap server with requests yields an arbitrary amount of new edge requests, allowing a node to quickly connect to a large part of the network.

    • The drawing server capabilities are currently available to everyone, and not just legitimate drawing servers. In other words, getting a list of all nodes is trivial.

    • Resistent: SlowLoris attacks. Since signal sizes are relatively small, connection timeouts can be short.

    • Node crawling: Although nodes only retain the addresses of downstream neighbours (remember the upstream connection is one-way, clients will not send or handle signals issued the wrong way), edge requests carry valid server addresses and traverse part of the network before they are accepted. Specialized nodes could simply store all valid addresses they encounter. This is completely undetectable by other nodes and, while not dangerous on its own, can lead to knowledge about all of the network's participants. The node database could be shared with malicious nodes that could harness that information for attacks on the network.

    • There is no message size limit at the moment. A node will read incoming data until the connection for a single signal times out.

  • Malicious sub-networks

    • Nodes accepting all edge requests they encounter can build up a connection to a large portion of the network. This opens the door for new attacks:

      • Filtering: Certain signals could be thrown away, for example edge requests from a certain IP range so that no new nodes can connect to the network

      • Altering signals

    • A test where two neighbours compare some of their neighbours and drop common ones could battle the possibility of nodes gathering up too many connections illegally.

    • Bootstrap takeover: if an attacker manages to replace all neighbours (both up- and downstream) of a bootstrap server's pool, all new nodes connecting via that server will be relayed into the malicious network.

  • Malicious swarms - right now it's trivial to spawn thousands of new nodes simultaneously. No matter how many honest nodes there are, it is very easy to drown them in a network controlled by a few actors behaving like they are many.

  • Killing all bootstrap servers makes it impossible to discover the network.


Client structure

The picture below sketches the flow of information in a single Amœba client.

  • Network connections are shown in red. Nodes first connect to another node's server (dashed red), which then relays them to their own private worker in the target node (by spawning a new worker, yellow dashed), at which point the data flows directly from node to worker.

  • Workers take input from upstream nodes and formulate a response based on them. This response is then sent over the internal channels (blue) to the clients.

  • Clients have persistent connections to downstream neighbours open (red network connections), and send the instructions received from the channels to them.

  • The client pool watches internal databases to determine whether there are enough workers and clients. If not, it instructs existing clients to send requests for further neighbours.

(Picture missing, uh oh)

The protocol

The protocol type used by Amœba can be found in src/Types/Signal.hs. All signals are sent downstream, with one exception where relevant data actually flows upstream. Unless otherwise noted, the server answers signals with a ServerSignal, which can basically be OK or one of multiple possible errors. A usual request consists of a node sending a signal downstream and waiting for the response, terminating the worker if it is not positive.

Signals are divided in two main groups, normal and special. Normal signals are what usual nodes routinely use:

  • EdgeRequest contains information for establishing a new edge in the network
  • KeepAlive is sent in case there haven't been any useful signals, but the connection should not time out
  • ShuttingDown is sent as a courtesy to other nodes, so they can remove a terminating node before the timeout kicks in
  • Flood signals are distributed to every node in the network. Current instances are text messages and a request to send a NeighbourList to a drawing server.
  • Prune is a request to downstream neighbours to drop the connection. This is an effort to keep the number of connections as low as possible, and the request will be accepted if dropping the connection does not cross the minimum threshold.

Normal signals are filtered: only when they're coming from known upstream nodes they are processed. Special signals circumvent this, as some processes inherently require unknown nodes to establish connections.

  • BootstrapRequest is sent to the bootstrap server, and instructs it to send out EdgeRequests on behalf of the contacting node.
  • Handshake is what actually establishes a new connection. Sent to a new downstream neighbour, it adds the issuer to its list of known nodes and answers with OK; the issuer then does its own bookkeeping, and answers back OK as well, finalizing the deal with mutual agreement.
  • HandshakeRequests prompt another node to send back a Handshake. This allows Handshake to be used to establish incoming connections, not just outgoing ones by sending it directly.
  • NeighbourList is sent from nodes to the drawing server. It contains the list of downstream neighbours.

Terminology, abbreviations

These may help reading the source comments:

    Name | Meaning

-----------: | ----------------------------------------------------------------- _* | Accessor functions that don't do any computation otherwise. When dependencies permit, the lenses generated from these are used. *H | Handler. Signals or commands are delegated to these for processing. BSS | Bootstrap server DSN | Downstream node, i.e. a neighbouring node the current sends commands do. (S, T, U in the picture above.) LDC | Local direct connection. Used by the node pool to send signals directly to its nodes instead of taking a detour over the network. ST1C | Server to one (unspecified/arbitrary) client channel STC | Server to client channel STSC | Server to specific client channel USN | Upstream node, i.e. a neighbouring node the current gets commands sent by. (A, B, C in the picture above.)

Sometimes, I like to use capital letters at the end of identifiers to tag functions with a purpose. This is usually local to a single module. If you see suspiciously looking names like fooX or barL, have a look at the module's head comment.


Amœba is a distributed network.



Language:Haskell 98.8%Language:Shell 1.2%