quangmnh / Fail-Attemps-Creating-An-Android-Studio-Project

My struggle creating a working project in Android Studio 3.0.1. ~~Fuk~~ u Android Studio. No, i mean i love u very much

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My struggle creating a working project in Android Studio 3.0.1. Fuk u Android Studio

Every fuking day passes and i keep losing my mind.

Test 01

First created with a lot of error, dem, without C++ support.

Test 02

Created with nothing, no activity, can build but what i should do then???

Test 03

Created with a basic activity or something. A bunch of errors

Error:(9, 5) error: resource android:attr/dialogCornerRadius not found.

It seems this error comes from mismatched compileSdkVersion. as the dependencies in build.gradle (Module: app) also gives the error:

com.android.support libraries must use the exact same version specification (mixing versions can lead to runtime crashes). Found versions 28.0.0, 26.1.0. Examples include com.android.support:animated-vector-drawable:28.0.0 and com.android.support:design:26.1.0

Some bros suggest changing version in Project Structure but another error detected

NDK does not contain any platforms

So the thing is I clicked the install NDK as soon as i saw the pop-up and it automatically installed latest NDK version, which doesn't contain a platform folder???? Anw, installing NDK version 20.0.5594570 or around that does seem to solve the problem. I install the CMake thing too, hopefully it will help me through some other troubles.

Don't forget to change the ndk path in **File/Project Structure

Then there is this shite

Error:No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: mips64el-linux-android

Tried created a folder named mips64el-linux-android classpath in ndk-budle/toolchains folder. Not working

Change to this line in build.gradle 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.2.1' Still error. So let's try downgrade the ndk thing to 19.xxxxxx

No good

Then I got an older version of Android NDK (16b) and get the mips64el-linux-android toolchain to by pass the error. It works.

The thing is, just copy the mips64el-linux-android to toolchains folder of ndk and ndk-budle to guaranteed build.

One problem solved so let's move on to test 04 and tracesback to the error...

Test 04

It says something like

So I change compile SDK version in Project Structure to API 28 and build tool 30.0.3, as well as source & target compaiblity as 1.8

It sucks. I don't like this solution at all.

So let's get to test 05 and try something else.

Test 05

I love C++ so let give it a try. then there is this shite

Error:Error occurred while communicating with CMake server. It gets sth to do with CMake, version concern again.

Re-install it with the 3.6.4111459 does the trick.

Test 06

Let's try Mr.Thien tutorial.

Everything seem to work as expected, except that he somehow miraculously bypasses all those errors without doing anything specific. So i still resort to solve the problems as above.

He also mentions crating a virrtual device for testing. I choose to create a Google Pixel 2 device and API 28. It works and we finally reach the first stage of Programming - Hello World. But, as expected, errors come and laugh at me.

Emulator: handleCpuAcceleration: feature check for hvf Emulator: added library vulkan-1.dll

The solution on developer.android.com is a wall of text and also a pain in the @ss to read.

Test 07

Calculator exampler by Mr. Nhan Set compileSDKversion in guild gradle to 28 Theme error: android:theme="@style/AppTheme"> in android manifest file Ctrl+click it get me to Add Base.

style name="AppTheme" parent="Base.Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar" fracment????

Intentional errror for the app to reset?? uses permission befor application in manifest Java inheritence: + Extend: inherit only one parent #overide Ctrl+O -

XML: +LinearLayout: android:orientation="vertical" +Child layout:

Test 08

Lab 2 by Mr. Thien Simple add function, nothing special.

Test 07 Revisited

I try to work out how to do Android Studio in Ubuntu environment.

Tutorial is clear enough, nothing special happened.

Except, as expected, something odd with the AVD.

grant current user access to /dev/kvm

No further instruction given, fuk.

So, the solution. First, install qemu-kvm

sudo apt install qemu-kvm

ls -al /dev/kvm

Root should be the user, group kvm.

grep kvm /etc/group

The return message should be like

kvm: x :127:

No user in kvm group, hence the AVD begged us to grant user to the group.

sudo adduser $USER kvm

This should do the trick.

Check again

grep kvm /etc/group

Your user name should be there.

Test 09

UART/thingspeak communication LeanBack UI

Test 10

MQTT---MQTT broker check for allsubscribed clients. (for a topic/feed)

Client ID should be phone series + key word -->MD5

This is a sample code for MQTT server connection.

Till this day, everything works as expected. I feel like i can do anything now.

Stashed changes


My struggle creating a working project in Android Studio 3.0.1. ~~Fuk~~ u Android Studio. No, i mean i love u very much


Language:Java 99.9%Language:HTML 0.1%Language:CMake 0.0%Language:C++ 0.0%