quamotion / appium-docker-ios-demo

Run Appium tests on iOS devices using Azure Pipelines and self-hosted agents

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Run Appium tests on iOS devices using self-hosted Azure DevOps Pipelines

This repository contains a sample Azure DevOps Pipeline which runs Appium tests on real, physical iOS devices which you host on-premise.

This repository is configured to use Raspberry Pi 3 devices as the build agent, but you can use any machine capable of running the Azure Pipeline Agent and Docker.

Setting up your Azure DevOps Agent

  1. Create a self-hosted agent
  2. Install usbmuxd: apt-get install -y usbmuxd libimobiledevice-utils
  3. Install Docker: apt-get install -y docker.io. Add the user which runs the Azure Pipeline agent to the docker group.


Run Appium tests on iOS devices using Azure Pipelines and self-hosted agents