quadmotor / CDT

C++ library for constrained Delaunay triangulation (CDT)

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CDT: Constrained Delaunay Triangulation

CI Builds

Numerically robust C++ implementation of constrained Delaunay triangulation (CDT)

  • uses robust geometric predicates for numerical robustness
  • can be consumed as header-only (default) or compiled (if CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY is defined)
  • permissively-licensed (MPL-2.0)
  • backwards-compatible with C++03
  • cross-platform: tested on Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), and macOS

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Table of Contents

Latest online documentation (automatically generated with Doxygen).

Implementation closely follows incremental construction algorithm by Anglada [1]. During the legalization, the cases when at least one vertex belongs to super-triangle are resolved using an approach as described in Žalik et. al [2]. For efficient search of a triangle that contains inserted point randomized walking search is applied [3]. To find the starting triangle we first find the nearest point using boost::rtree or using a closest random point.


  • No duplicated points (use provided functions for removing duplicate points and re-mapping edges)
  • No two constraint edges intersect each other


  • Triangles have counter-clockwise (CCW) winding

Adding to CMake project directly

Can be done with add_subdirectory command (e.g., see CDT visualizer's CMakeLists.txt).

# add CDT as subdirectory to CMake project
add_subdirectory(../CDT CDT)

Adding to non-CMake project directly

To use as header-only copy headers from CDT/include

To use as a compiled library define CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY and compile CDT.cpp

Consume pre-build CDT in CMake project with find_package

CDT provides package config files that can be included by other projects to find and use it.

# from CDT folder
mkdir build && cd build
# configure with desired CMake flags
# build and install
cmake --build . && cmake --install .
# In consuming CMakeLists.txt

Consume as Conan package

There's a conanfile.py recipe provided. Note that it might need small adjustments like changing boost version to fit your needs.

  • Supports three ways of removing outer triangles:

    • eraseSuperTriangle: produce a convex-hull
    • eraseOuterTriangles: remove all outer triangles until a boundary defined by constraint edges
    • eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles: remove outer triangles and automatically detected holes. Starts from super-triangle and traverses triangles until outer boundary. Triangles outside outer boundary will be removed. Then traversal continues until next boundary. Triangles between two boundaries will be kept. Traversal to next boundary continues (this time removing triangles). Stops when all triangles are traversed.
  • Removing duplicate points and re-mapping constraint edges can be done using functions: RemoveDuplicatesAndRemapEdges, RemoveDuplicates, RemapEdges

  • Uses William C. Lenthe's implementation of robust orientation and in-circle geometric predicates: https://github.com/wlenthe/GeometricPredicates.

  • Boost is an optional dependency used for:

    • Performance: rtree implementation for finding the closest point during points insertion: nearestVertexRtree is a faster than nearestVertexRand. Also boost::container::flat_set is used for faster triangle walking
    • Fall back for standard library features missing in C++98 compilers.

    To opt in define CDT_USE_BOOST either in CMake or in a preprocessor.

  • A demonstrator tool is included: requires Qt for GUI. When running demo-tool make sure that working directory contains folder test files.

Synopsis of the public API (see CDT.h )

namespace CDT

/// Enum of strategies for finding closest point to the newly inserted one
struct FindingClosestPoint
    enum Enum
        BoostRTree, ///< use boost::geometry::rtree
        ClosestRandom, ///< pick closest from few randomly selected candidates

template <typename T>
class CDT_EXPORT Triangulation
    typedef std::vector<Vertex<T> > VertexVec; ///< Vertices vector
    VertexVec vertices;                        ///< triangulation's vertices
    TriangleVec triangles;                     ///< triangulation's triangles
    EdgeUSet fixedEdges; ///<  triangulation's constraints (fixed edges)

    /*____ API _____*/
        const FindingClosestPoint::Enum closestPtMode,
        const size_t nRandSamples = 10);
    template <typename TVertexIter, typename TGetVertexCoordX, typename TGetVertexCoordY>
    void insertVertices(
        TVertexIter first,
        TVertexIter last,
        TGetVertexCoordX getX,
        TGetVertexCoordY getY);
    void insertVertices(const std::vector<V2d<T> >& vertices);
    template <typename TEdgeIter, typename TGetEdgeVertexStart, typename TGetEdgeVertexEnd>
    void insertEdges(
        TEdgeIter first,
        TEdgeIter last,
        TGetEdgeVertexStart getStart,
        TGetEdgeVertexEnd getEnd);
    void insertEdges(const std::vector<Edge>& edges);
    void eraseSuperTriangle();
    void eraseOuterTriangles();
    void eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles();

struct DuplicatesInfo
    std::vector<std::size_t> mapping;    ///< vertex index mapping
    std::vector<std::size_t> duplicates; ///< duplicates' indices

template <typename T, typename TVertexIter, typename TGetVertexCoordX, typename TGetVertexCoordY>
DuplicatesInfo FindDuplicates(
    TVertexIter first,
    TVertexIter last,
    TGetVertexCoordX getX,
    TGetVertexCoordY getY);

template <typename TVertex, typename TAllocator>
void RemoveDuplicates(
    std::vector<TVertex, TAllocator>& vertices,
    const std::vector<std::size_t>& duplicates);

template <typename T>
DuplicatesInfo RemoveDuplicates(std::vector<V2d<T> >& vertices);

void RemapEdges(std::vector<Edge>& edges, const std::vector<std::size_t>& mapping);

template <
    typename T,
    typename TVertex,
    typename TGetVertexCoordX,
    typename TGetVertexCoordY,
    typename TVertexAllocator,
    typename TEdgeAllocator>
DuplicatesInfo RemoveDuplicatesAndRemapEdges(
    std::vector<TVertex, TVertexAllocator>& vertices,
    std::vector<Edge, TEdgeAllocator>& edges,
    TGetVertexCoordX getX,
    TGetVertexCoordY getY);

template <typename T>
DuplicatesInfo RemoveDuplicatesAndRemapEdges(
    std::vector<V2d<T> >& vertices,
    std::vector<Edge>& edges);

template <typename T>
std::vector<unsigned short> CalculateTriangleDepths(
    const std::vector<Vertex<T> >& vertices,
    const TriangleVec& triangles,
    const EdgeUSet& fixedEdges);

TriIndUSet PeelLayer(
    std::stack<TriInd> seeds,
    const TriangleVec& triangles,
    const EdgeUSet& fixedEdges,
    const unsigned short layerDepth,
    std::vector<unsigned short>& triDepths);

} // namespace CDT

Triangulated convex-hull example

#include "CDT.h"
using Triangulation = CDT::Triangulation<float>;

Triangulation cdt =
  // Without boost::rtree:
  Triangulation(CDT::FindingClosestPoint::ClosestRandom, 10);
cdt.insertVertices(/* points */);
/* ... */ = cdt.vertices;
/* ... */ = cdt.edges;

Triangulated region constrained by boundary example

// ... same as above
cdt.insertVertices(/* points */);
cdt.insertEdges(/* boundary edges */);
/* ... */ = cdt.vertices;
/* ... */ = cdt.edges;

Custom point type

struct CustomPoint2D
    double data[2];

std::vector<CustomPoint2D> points = ...; // containers other than std::vector will work too
triangulation = CDT::Triangulation<double>(...);
    [](const CustomPoint2D& p){ return p.data[0]; },
    [](const CustomPoint2D& p){ return p.data[1]; }

Custom edge type

struct CustomEdge
    std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> vertices;

std::vector<CustomEdge> edges = ...; // containers other than std::vector will work too
triangulation = CDT::Triangulation<double>(...);
    [](const CustomEdge& e){ return e.vertices.first; },
    [](const CustomEdge& e){ return e.vertices.second; }

Any feedback and contributions are welcome.

Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0

A Bean Guitar Guitar with holes Lake Superior Sweden

[1] Marc Vigo Anglada, An improved incremental algorithm for constructing restricted Delaunay triangulations, Computers & Graphics, Volume 21, Issue 2, 1997, Pages 215-223, ISSN 0097-8493.

[2] Borut Žalik and Ivana Kolingerová, An incremental construction algorithm for Delaunay triangulation using the nearest-point paradigm, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Volume 17, Issue 2, Pages 119-138, 2003, DOI 10.1080/713811749.

[3] Olivier Devillers, Sylvvain Pion, Monique Tellaud, Walking in a triangulation, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 181-199, 2002


C++ library for constrained Delaunay triangulation (CDT)


License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:C++ 95.1%Language:CMake 3.8%Language:Python 1.1%