qu1x / bml

BML Markup Language

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BML Markup Language

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BML is a simplified XML used as static database, see the grammar using PEG as input for the pest parser.

In contrast to its C++ reference implementation, this Rust implementation parses indents by pushing them on a stack to compare them instead of counting characters (stack-based-indent) and it allows tabulators between attributes (tabular-attributes) and between colons and multi-line data (tabular-colon-data) supporting tabulator-based along with space-based alignments.

Syntax highlighting is trivial, see vim-bml.


use bml::BmlNode;

let root = BmlNode::try_from(concat!(
	"  path: /core/www/\n",
	"  host: example.com\n",
	"  port: 80\n",
	"  service: true\n",
	"  proxy\n",
	"    host: proxy.example.com\n",
	"    port: 8080\n",
	"    authentication: plain\n",
	"  description\n",
	"    :Primary web-facing server\n",
	"    :Provides commerce-related functionality\n",
	"  // ...\n",
	"  proxy host=\"proxy.example.com\" port=\"8080\"\n",
	"    authentication: plain\n",

let (name, node) = root.nodes().next().unwrap();

assert_eq!(name, "server");
assert_eq!(node.named("port").next().unwrap().value(), "80");


Licensed under ISC.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the works by you shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


BML Markup Language


Language:Rust 100.0%