Item and skill shop system for the indie game Project Zomboid
Basic shop system which gives the player money upon killing a zombie. The money can be used to buy various items/skills.
Advanced user can alter the following things by editing the "CoxisShopSettings.ini" shipped with the mod:
- define the amount of money gained
- define the randomness of money gain (not the amount is random, but you won´t get money after each zombie kill)
- define the items available in the shop (with prize setting aswell)
- new section "food/drink"
The sections of the "CoxisShopSettings.ini" are not be altered! You can only add keys, the "[BASIC]"-section doesn´t accept any new keys. The "random"-key in "[BASIC]" is used as followed:
randi = ZombRand(100);
if (randi >= tonumber(CoxisShop.settings["BASIC"]["random"])) then
As the above formula describes: higher numbers make the earning of money less likely. If you set "random" to zero you will always earn money.