qqonline / USR

USDx Saving Protocol

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Audit Scope

The audit scope is the core logic of USR token and its proxy contract.

  • Includes:

    1. The following processes and reference functions in ./contracts/USR.sol:

      • Mint: saving USDx and get USR token

      • Burn/Withdraw: redeem USDx by repaying USR token

      Notice: Some basic functions are not include in audit scope.

    2. The implementation of proxy function in ./contracts/USRProxy.sol

  • Excludes:

    1. All functions and condition judgements that do not exist in ./contracts/USR.sol.

    2. All mathematical functions:

      • function rpow(uint x, uint n, uint base)
      • function rmul(uint x, uint y)
      • function rdiv(uint x, uint y)
      • function rdivup(uint x, uint y)
      • function mulScale(uint x, uint y)
      • function divScale(uint x, uint y)


USDx Saving Protocol