qq432591 / MobileProvision

A Serialization for *.mobileprovision on iOS and macOS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CI Status Version License Platform


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Open Example/MobileProvision.xcworkspace file with Xcode. Modify provision profile in Target - General:

Run the target (MobileProvision_Example) on your iOS device (Do not on Simulator).

Or run the target (MobileProvisionCLI) on your mac. (Modify the path in main.m)



MobileProvision is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'MobileProvision' # for osx and ios

Import header:

#import <MobileProvision/MobileProvision.h>


First: Create a MPProvision instance.

// for osx & ios
MPProvision *provision = [MPProvision provisionWithContentsOfFile:@"/path/to/*.mobileprovision"];

// for ios
MPProvision *provision = [MPProvision embeddedProvision]; // embedded.mobileprovision

Second: Read Information

(NSString *)provision.AppIDName;
(NSArray<NSString *> *)provision.ApplicationIdentifierPrefix;
(NSDate *)provision.CreationDate;
(NSDate *)provision.ExpirationDate;
(NSString *)provision.Name;
(NSArray<NSString *> *)provision.Platform;
(NSArray<NSString *> *)provision.ProvisionedDevices;
(NSArray<NSString *> *)provision.TeamIdentifier;
(NSString *)provision.TeamName;
(NSUInteger )provision.TimeToLive;
(NSString *)provision.UUID;

Third: Read Entitlements

MPEntitlements *entitlements = provision.Entitlements;
(NSDictionary *)entitlements.JSON;

Last: Read Certificates

MPCertificate *certificate = provision.DeveloperCertificates.firstObject;

(NSInteger )certificate.version;
(NSString *)certificate.name;
(NSString *)certificate.serialNumber;
(NSDate *)certificate.validity.notBefore;
(NSDate *)certificate.validity.notAfter;

//	Developer
(NSString *)certificate.subject.name;
(NSString *)certificate.subject.unitName;
(NSString *)certificate.subject.commonName;
(NSString *)certificate.subject.countryName;

//	Apple Inc
(NSString *)certificate.issuer.name;
(NSString *)certificate.issuer.unitName;
(NSString *)certificate.issuer.commonName;
(NSString *)certificate.issuer.countryName;

(NSData *)certificate.signature;

//	Hash
// SHA1 can be used by codesign CLI to sign an App.
// It equals to the id in `$ security find-identity -p codesigning`
(NSString *)certificate.fingerprints.SHA1;
(NSString *)certificate.fingerprints.SHA256;

Get Type

Type get-task-allow beta-reports-active Devices All Device
development 1 0 Array 0
adhoc 0 0 Array 0
appstore 0 1 nil 0
inhouse 0 0 nil 1



冷秋, 516563564@qq.com


MobileProvision is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


A Serialization for *.mobileprovision on iOS and macOS

License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 96.9%Language:Ruby 3.1%