qoojung / dahdi-install-helper

How to install asterisk with dahdi driver easily

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How to install asterisk with dahdi driver ####Step 1:Download libpri and libss7 #####1.libpri Get file from asterisk official site

$sudo make 
$sudo make install

#####2.libss7--ss7 singal

$sudo apt-get install libss7-1 libss7-dev libss7-dbg

####Step 2:install dahdi

1. install dahdi-tools
$sudo apt-get install libnewt-dev
$sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
$sudo apt-get install libtonezone-dev
$sudo apt-get install fxload
$cd tools

#####2.install dahdi

$cd .. 
$make && make install


$sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev libz-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev libnewt-dev
$make menuselect (check chan_dahdi!!!)
$make install

####Step 3:configure dahdi and asterisk #####1.open dahdi.blocklist file

$sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/dahdi.blocklist

#####2.delete or comment out wcte11xp in blocklist and add netjet module to blocklist

blacklist netjet /* add this line or delete the first '#' character
#blacklist wctellxp /*comment out*/

#####3.reboot and start all of it

$sudo reboot now
$sudo modprobe dahdi  ; load dahdi driver
$sudo modprobe wcte11xp opermode=YOUR COUNTRY; load the wctdm driver with your country 
$sudo dahdi_genconf  ;Generate configure files
$sudo dahdi_cfg –vvvv ; start channels
$sudo asterisk -rx "core restart now"


asterisk -rx "core restart now"

#####4.check dahdi is ok



1. HDLC abort problem

This may cause by acpi problem,add boot option acpi=off

  1. In Ubuntu,edit /etc/default/grub ,add acpi=off in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX settings
  2. executesudo update-grub
2. No dahdi channel connected with asterisk

check /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf

#include  /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf

####Reference http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+PCI+bus+Troubleshooting


How to install asterisk with dahdi driver easily