qomo / Whetstone

Whetstone performance testing in Java, C, Fortran and Free Pascal

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Welcome to my perfomance whetstone benchmarks for different languages!

In this repository you will find 5 simple samples of popular Whetsone benchmark. Why whetstone? Well, it is easy, widespread and relatively accurate. That's why it can be imlemented among different technologies (including but not limited to different languages, compilers, hardware etc). So with whetstone you will have some assurance that you are comparing "oranges to oranges" in terms of performance. I personally use this kind of testing each time I buy a new computer, install new compiler etc.


You may want to run it within your favorite IDE (say Eclipse). In this case you may want to use run configuration. Add two arguments (a number of inner loops and a number of outer loops) separated by blank in Arguments tab of your run configuration. You may want to start from say 1000 300 (which for sure depends on you CPU clock speed) and than adjust it as needed.

The file with source code is Dwhet.java.

It is easy to change it for testing on a server side, say by creating corresponding servlrets out of this file.


The file with source code is dwhet.c. It runs fine under gcc version 10.1.0
Your compiler may complain on how to deal with timing, in this case minor chages will be required.

It was compiled using the following command: gcc -Ofast dwhet.c -o dwhet_run_fast -lm

3000 and 1000 was used as a number of inner loops and a number of outer loops

Also it was compiled with Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 1 for Linux with icc version
using the following command: icc dwhet.c -o Dwhet_optimized_with_intel_c.exe -O3 -ipo -no-prec-div

C++ for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 - 2019

The file with source code is Dwhet.cpp. As you may guess, the program is compliled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 and can be run within it. To compile you may want to do the following

  1. Create new project as Visual C++ console application. For brevity we will further use name Dwhet for it.
  2. Open Dwhet.cpp within the project (if needed replace content with Dwhet.cpp from this repository).
  3. Choose Project | Properties and after that add _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS; to Preprocessor Definitions (just after CONSOLE); Please note that you will need to do point 3 above both for Debug and Release configurations 3000 and 1000 was used as a number of inner loops and a number of outer loops for PC with Intel Core i7 @ 2.8 GHz


The source code is in file dwhet.f. It is compiled gfortran but you can adjust it to your fortran compiler with little or no changes. You may want to start from 6000 2000 as a number of inner loops and a number of outer loops and after several runs adjust it accordingly.

Examples of compile and run using different compilers:

  1. Intel(R) Fortran Compiler Version from Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 1 for Linux
    ifort dwhet.f -o Dwhet_optimized_with_intel -O3 -ipo -no-prec-div or ifort dwhet.f -o Dwhet_optimized_with_intel -Ofast

  2. gfortran from gcc 10.1.0

gfortran dwhet.f -o Dwhet_gcc -Ofast

  1. pgfortran 19.10-0 64-bit

pgfortran -opgi_dwhet_2020.exe -O3 dwhet.f

Suppose that you run your code (compiled as shown above) from command line, you will be asked to a enter number of inner loops and a number of outer loops. Please see recommendations above.

Free Pascal

I tried this one on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 (under WSL). If you use the latest release (which is 3.0.4 at the time of writing) and if your Windows System is 64-bit you may want to use ppcrossx64.exe with corresponding options for compilation. If you use it on Ubuntu 20.04 you may want to use fpc. The file name is whet.pas

My articles in Java Development Journal that may help you


Legal text related to the code

Copyright notes

(c) Copyright 2002 - 2020 Anatoly S. Krivitsky, Ph.D. All rights reserved

Conditional permission for free use of the code As soon as above copyright notes are mentioned, the author grants a permission to any person or organization to use, distribute and publish this code for free Questions and comments may be directed to the author at akrivitsky@yahoo.com and akrivitsky@gmail.com

Disclaimer of Liability The user assumes all responsibility and risk for the use of this code "as is". There is no warranty of any kind associated with the code. Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall the author be liable for any DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL or CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, or LOST PROFITS that result from the use or inability to use the code. Nor shall the author be liable for any such damages including, but not limited to, reliance by any person on any information obtained with the code


Whetstone performance testing in Java, C, Fortran and Free Pascal


Language:Pascal 26.4%Language:Fortran 20.1%Language:Java 18.4%Language:C 17.7%Language:C++ 17.3%