qmmr / SimpleStateManager

A responsive state manager which allows you to run different javascript at different browser widths

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Simple State Manager

Simple State Manager (SSM for short) is a responsive state manager which allows you to target javascript at different browser widths.

Add States

With Simple State Manager you can add multiple states based on your needs, the most simple way to add a state is to simply pass the information about your state to SSM using ssm.addState. It is important to remember that the width you provide is the upper limit of your responsive state width, the lower limit is defined simply by defining another state with a width which is lower.

ssm.addState({id: 'mobile', width: 767, onEnter: function(){console.log('enter mobile')}});
ssm.addState({width: 1023, onEnter: function(){console.log('enter tablet')}});
ssm.addState({width: 9999, onEnter: function(){console.log('enter desktop')}});

If you wish to use one command to add multiple states using one command you can use ssm.addStates to which you should pass an array of states.

    {id: 'mobile', width: 767, onEnter: function(){console.log('enter mobile')}},
    {id: 'tablet',width: 1023, onEnter: function(){console.log('enter tablet')}},
    {id: 'desktop',width: 9999, onEnter: function(){console.log('enter desktop')}}

Remove States

Sometimes it may be necessary to remove a state, if we have the id for the state we can easily remove the state, to remove the mobile state from our above example we simply use:



Once you have finished setting up your states you should run ssm.ready() which will setup the states.


As SSM is chaninable you can even fire the ssm.ready() method by simply adding .ready() onto your original command

    {id: 'mobile', width: 767, onEnter: function(){console.log('enter mobile')}},
    {id: 'tablet',width: 1023, onEnter: function(){console.log('enter tablet')}},
    {id: 'desktop',width: 9999, onEnter: function(){console.log('enter desktop')}}

Debug Mode

To enable the debug mode you simply need to run ssm.enableDebug(), this will add a width meter to the bottom right corner of the viewport area.


Full API

Method Description


Add a new state, expects an object literal, properties avaliable - id (optional), width (required), onEnter (optional), onResize (optional), onLeave (optional)


Add multiple new states, expects an array of object literals, properties avaliable - id (optional), width (required), onEnter (optional), onResize (optional), onLeave (optional)


Remove a state, expects one property, the id of the state to be removed.


Tells the page that states have been added and we can fire the onEnter event for the current state.


Enables a debug mode which shows a width meter to the corner of the page.

Browser Support

There are a number of browsers that we have tested support, as we test more browsers we will update this list

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer 8+ (6 & 7 are untested)
  • Safari
  • Opera

Planned Features

Enable multiple methods to be attached to each state

Allow overlapping states so that JS can span multiple states


A responsive state manager which allows you to run different javascript at different browser widths