The world's smallest and fastest classical JavaScript inheritance pattern, augment
, is a seven line function which allows you to write CoffeeScript style classes with a flair of simplicity; and it still beats the bejesus out of other JavaScript inheritance libraries.
Inspired by giants like Jeremy Ashkenas and John Resig, augment
is an augmentation of ideas. Classes created using augment
have a CoffeeScript-like class structure, and a syntax like John Resig's classes; but they are more readable, intuitive and orders of magnitude faster. In addition they work on virtually every JavaScript platform.
- You can install
on node.js using the npm commandnpm install augment
. - You can install
on RingoJS using the rp commandrp install augment
. - You can install
for web apps using the component commandcomponent install javascript/augment
. - You can install
for web apps using the bower commandbower install augment
You can use
as a CommonJS module:var augment = require("augment"); // module.exports must be supported
You can use
with the AMD API:define(["augment"], function (augment) { // .... });
You can include the latest copy in your web pages, fiddles and benchmarks:
<script src=""></script>
You can browse the source code and stick it into your program.
The augment
library is released under the MIT license. So feel free to modify and distribute it as you wish.