I won't be maintaining this repo anymore because truffle box has published a react-redux truffle box. You should use that one.
All truffle boxes come with Truffle, Webpack and React. This box adds react-router, redux and redux-auth-wrapper for authentication powered by a smart contract. Great for building your own auth system.
Install truffle and an ethereum client. For local development, try EthereumJS TestRPC.
npm install -g truffle // Version 3.0.5+ required. npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
Clone or download the truffle box of your choice.
git clone [repo]
Install the node dependencies.
npm install
Compile and migrate the contracts.
truffle compile truffle migrate
Run the webpack server for front-end hot reloading. For now, smart contract changes must be manually recompiled and migrated.
npm run start
Jest is included for testing React components and Truffle's own suite is incldued for smart contracts. Be sure you've compile your contracts before running jest, or you'll receive some file not found errors.
// Runs Jest for component tests. npm run test // Runs Truffle's test suite for smart contract tests. truffle test
To build the application for production, use the build command. A production build will be in the build_webpack folder.
npm run build
Define web3 in your mapStateToProps function in your container component.
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => { return { web3: state.web3 } }
In your mapDispatchToProps of your container component, pass web3 into the function that you pass as a prop to your presentation component
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => { return { onSignUpFormSubmit: (name, web3) => { event.preventDefault(); dispatch(signUpUser(name, web3)) } } }
In the presentation component, set web3 in the state within the constructor function.
Why is there both a truffle.js file and a truffle-config.js file?
Truffle requires the truffle.js file be named truffle-config on Windows machines. Feel free to delete the file that doesn't correspond to your platform.
Where is my production build?
The production build will be in the build_webpack folder. This is because Truffle outputs contract compilations to the build folder.
Where can I find more documentation?
All truffle boxes are a marriage of Truffle and a React setup created with create-react-app. Either one would be a great place to start!