qiyx2019 / react-dev-inspector

jump to local IDE code directly from browser React component by just a simple click

Home Page:https://react-dev-inspector.zthxxx.me

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React Dev Inspector

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This package allows users to jump to local IDE code directly from browser React component by just a simple click, which is similar to Chrome inspector but more advanced.


online demo: https://react-dev-inspector.zthxxx.me

press hotkey (ctrl⌃ + shift⇧ + commmand⌘ + c), then click the HTML element you wish to inspect.

screen record gif (8M size):



npm i -D react-dev-inspector


for VSCode only, but simple without any other configuration

Works with almost all react frameworks such as Vite, Next.js, Create React App, Umi3, Ice.js,

or any other which use @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source in builtin. Just follow the component code below:

import React from 'react'
import { Inspector, InspectParams } from 'react-dev-inspector'

const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'

export const Layout = () => {
  // ...

  return (
      <YourComponent />

      {isDev && (
          // props see docs:
          // https://github.com/zthxxx/react-dev-inspector#inspector-component-props
          keys={['control', 'shift', 'command', 'c']}
          onClickElement={({ codeInfo }: InspectParams) => {
            if (!codeInfo?.absolutePath) return
            const { absolutePath, lineNumber, columnNumber } = codeInfo
            // you can change the url protocol if you are using in Web IDE

Whether you use vscode://, webstorm:// or otherwise, it solidifies in code.

sometime you want it infer which is the current local IDE you are using now.

But for generally infer current local IDE, need some server-side configuration. At this time, follow those TWO steps below:

1. Add Inspector React Component

import React from 'react'
import { Inspector, InspectParams } from 'react-dev-inspector'

const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'

export const Layout = () => {
  // ...

  return (
      <YourComponent />

      {isDev && (
          // props see docs:
          // https://github.com/zthxxx/react-dev-inspector#inspector-component-props
          keys={['control', 'shift', 'command', 'c']}
          onHoverElement={(inspect: InspectParams) => {}}
          onClickElement={(inspect: InspectParams) => {}}

2. Set up Inspector Config

You should add:

  • an inspector babel plugin, to inject source code location info
    • react-dev-inspector/plugins/babel
  • an server api middleware, to open local IDE
    • import { launchEditorMiddleware } from 'react-dev-inspector/plugins/webpack'

to your current project development config.

Such as add babel plugin into your .babelrc or webpack babel-loader config, add api middleware into your webpack-dev-server config or other server setup.

There are some example ways to set up, please pick the one fit your project best.

In common cases, if you're using webpack, you can see #raw-webpack-config,

If your project happen to use vite / nextjs / create-react-app and so on, you can also try out our integrated plugins / examples with

raw webpack config

Support webpack v4 and v5, examples see:

// .babelrc.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
     * react-dev-inspector plugin, options docs see:
     * https://github.com/zthxxx/react-dev-inspector#inspector-babel-plugin-options

// webpack.config.ts
import type { Configuration } from 'webpack'
import { ReactInspectorPlugin } from 'react-dev-inspector/plugins/webpack'

const config: Configuration = {
  plugins: [
     * react-dev-inspector webpack plugin
     * this plugin will create
     *  `devServer.setupMiddlewares` config for webpack5
     *   and `devServer.before` config for webpack4
    new ReactInspectorPlugin(),

However, if you want more manully config with webpack-dev-server, here are some equivalent:

// webpack.config.ts
import type { Configuration } from 'webpack'
import { launchEditorMiddleware } from 'react-dev-inspector/plugins/webpack'

const config: Configuration = {
  devServer: {
     * react-dev-inspector - dev server config
     * for create-react-app@^5 + webpack-dev-server@^4.7
    setupMiddlewares: (middlewares, devServer) => {
      return middlewares

     * react-dev-inspector - dev server config
     * for create-react-app@^4 + webpack-dev-server@^3
    before: (app, server, compiler) => {

      // ... other middlewares after

usage with Vite2

example project see: https://github.com/zthxxx/react-dev-inspector/tree/master/examples/vite2

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
import { inspectorServer } from 'react-dev-inspector/plugins/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [

     * react-dev-inspector configuration
     * only need setup an inspector middleware

usage with Next.js

use Next.js Custom Server + Customizing Babel Config

example project see: https://github.com/zthxxx/react-dev-inspector/tree/master/examples/nextjs


const {
} = require('react-dev-inspector/plugins/webpack')

app.prepare().then(() => {
  createServer((req, res) => {
     * middlewares, from top to bottom
    const middlewares = [
       * react-dev-inspector configuration, two middlewares for nextjs

      /** Next.js default app handle */
        (req, res) => handle(req, res),

    const middlewarePipeline = middlewares.reduceRight(
      (next, middleware) => (
        () => { middleware(req, res, next) }
      () => {},


  }).listen(PORT, (err) => {
    if (err) throw err
    console.debug(`> Ready on http://localhost:${PORT}`)

  "scripts": {
-    "dev": "next dev",
+    "dev": "node server.js",
    "build": "next build"

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
     * react-dev-inspector plugin, options docs see:
     * https://github.com/zthxxx/react-dev-inspector#inspector-babel-plugin-options

usage with create-react-app

create-react-app + react-app-rewired + customize-cra example config-overrides.js:

example project see: https://github.com/zthxxx/react-dev-inspector/tree/master/examples/cra

Support create-react-app v4, v5, example config see:

const {
} = require('react-dev-inspector/plugins/webpack')
const {
} = require('customize-cra')

 * origin config:
 *   https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/blob/v5.0.1/packages/react-scripts/config/webpack.config.js
 *   https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/blob/v5.0.1/packages/react-scripts/config/webpackDevServer.config.js
 * customize-cra api code: https://github.com/arackaf/customize-cra
module.exports = {
  webpack: override(
    /** react-dev-inspector - babel config */
      // plugin options docs see:
      // https://github.com/zthxxx/react-dev-inspector#inspector-babel-plugin-options
        excludes: [

     * react-dev-inspector - dev server config
     * for create-react-app@^4 + webpack-dev-server@^3
      new ReactInspectorPlugin(),

   * react-dev-inspector - dev server config
   * for create-react-app@^5 + webpack-dev-server@^4.7
  devServer: overrideDevServer(
    serverConfig => {
      // https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/#devserversetupmiddlewares
      serverConfig.setupMiddlewares = (middlewares) => {
        return middlewares

      return serverConfig

usage with Umi3

example project see: https://github.com/zthxxx/react-dev-inspector/tree/master/examples/umi3

// https://umijs.org/config/
import { defineConfig } from 'umi'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
  inspectorConfig: {
    // babel plugin options docs see:
    // https://github.com/zthxxx/react-dev-inspector#inspector-babel-plugin-options
    excludes: [],

usage with Umi2

import { launchEditorMiddleware } from 'react-dev-inspector/plugins/webpack'

export default {
  // ...
  extraBabelPlugins: [
    // plugin options docs see:
    // https://github.com/zthxxx/react-dev-inspector#inspector-babel-plugin-options

   * And you need to set `false` to `dll` in `umi-plugin-react`,
   * becase these is a umi2 bug that `dll` cannot work with `devServer.before`
   * https://github.com/umijs/umi/issues/2599
   * https://github.com/umijs/umi/issues/2161
  chainWebpack(config, { webpack }) {
    const originBefore = config.toConfig().devServer

    config.devServer.before((app, server, compiler) => {


      originBefore?.before?.(app, server, compiler)

    return config

usage with Ice.js

// https://ice.work/docs/guide/basic/build
  "plugins": [

Examples Project Code


<Inspector> Component Props

checkout TS definition under react-dev-inspector/es/Inspector.d.ts.

Property Description Type Default
keys inspector hotkeys

supported keys see: https://github.com/jaywcjlove/hotkeys#supported-keys
string[] ['control', 'shift', 'command', 'c']
disableLaunchEditor disable editor launching

(launch by default in dev Mode, but not in production mode)
boolean false
onHoverElement triggered when mouse hover in inspector mode (params: InspectParams) => void -
onClickElement triggered when mouse hover in inspector mode (params: InspectParams) => void -
// import type { InspectParams } from 'react-dev-inspector'

interface InspectParams {
  /** hover / click event target dom element */
  element: HTMLElement,
  /** nearest named react component fiber for dom element */
  fiber?: React.Fiber,
  /** source file line / column / path info for react component */
  codeInfo?: {
    lineNumber: string,
    columnNumber: string,
    * code source file relative path to dev-server cwd(current working directory)
    * need use with `react-dev-inspector/plugins/babel`
    relativePath?: string,
    * code source file absolute path
    * just need use with `@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source` which auto set by most framework
    absolutePath?: string,
  /** react component name for dom element */
  name?: string,

Inspector Babel Plugin Options

interface InspectorPluginOptions {
  /** override process.cwd() */
  cwd?: string,
  /** patterns to exclude matched files */
  excludes?: (string | RegExp)[],

Inspector Loader Props

// import type { ParserPlugin, ParserOptions } from '@babel/parser'
// import type { InspectorConfig } from 'react-dev-inspector/plugins/webpack'

interface InspectorConfig {
  /** patterns to exclude matched files */
  excludes?: (string | RegExp)[],
   * add extra plugins for babel parser
   * default is ['typescript', 'jsx', 'decorators-legacy', 'classProperties']
  babelPlugins?: ParserPlugin[],
  /** extra babel parser options */
  babelOptions?: ParserOptions,

IDE / Editor config

This package uses react-dev-utils to launch your local IDE application, but, which one will be open?

In fact, it uses an environment variable named REACT_EDITOR to specify an IDE application, but if you do not set this variable, it will try to open a common IDE that you have open or installed once it is certified.

For example, if you want it always open VSCode when inspection clicked, set export REACT_EDITOR=code in your shell.


  • install VSCode command line tools, see the official docs install-vscode-cli

  • set env to shell, like .bashrc or .zshrc

    export REACT_EDITOR=code


  • just set env with an absolute path to shell, like .bashrc or .zshrc (only MacOS)
    export REACT_EDITOR='/Applications/WebStorm.app/Contents/MacOS/webstorm'


  • install WebStorm command line tools install-webstorm-cli

  • then set env to shell, like .bashrc or .zshrc

    export REACT_EDITOR=webstorm


Yes! you can also use vim if you want, just set env to shell

export REACT_EDITOR=vim

How It Works

  • Stage 1 - Compile Time

    • [babel plugin] inject source file path/line/column to JSX data attributes props
  • Stage 2 - Web React Runtime

    • [React component] Inspector Component in react, for listen hotkeys, and request api to dev-server for open IDE.

      Specific, when you click a component DOM, the Inspector will try to obtain its source file info (path/line/column), then request launch-editor api (in stage 3) with absolute file path.

  • Stage 3 - Dev-server Side

    • [middleware] setup launchEditorMiddleware in webpack dev-server (or other dev-server), to open file in IDE according to the request params.

      Only need in development mode,and you want to open IDE when click a component element.

      Not need in prod mode, or you just want inspect dom without open IDE (set disableLaunchEditor={true} to Inspector component props)

Analysis of Theory




jump to local IDE code directly from browser React component by just a simple click


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 97.2%Language:Shell 2.8%