qinqian / pangene

WIP: Constructing a pangenome gene graph

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Getting Started

# Install pangene
git clone https://github.com/lh3/pangene
cd pangene && make

# Generate the C4 example with provided alignment
./pangene test/C4/*.paf.gz > C4.gfa

# Visit http://pangene.liheng.org for pangene HPRC graph

# Align proteins to each genome (general use cases; no examples)
miniprot --outs=0.97 --no-cs -Iut16 genome1.fna proteins.faa > genome1.paf
miniprot --outs=0.97 --no-cs -Iut16 genome2.fna proteins.faa > genome2.paf

# Construct a pangene graph
pangene -a2 genome1.paf genome2.paf > graph.gfa

# Extract a subgraph around several genes (requiring gfatools)
gfatools view -wl C4A,C4B -r3 graph.gfa > subgraph.gfa

# Check manpage
man ./pangene.1

Table of Contents


Pangene is a command-line tool to construct a pangenome gene graph. In this graph, a node repsents a marker gene and an edge between two genes indicates their genomic adjaceny on input genomes. Pangene takes the miniprot alignment between a protein set and multiple genomes and produces a graph in the GFA format. It attempts to reduce the redundancy in the input proteins and filter spurious alignments while preserving close but non-identical paralogs. The output graph can be visualized in generic GFA viewers such as BandageNG or via a web interface. Users can explore local human subgraphs at a public server. Prebuilt pangene graphs can be found at DOI:10.5281/zenodo.8118576.

Bacterial pangenome tools such as panaroo often leverage gene graphs to build bacterial pangenomes. Pangene is different in that it uses miniprot to infer gene models. This makes pangene applicable to large Eukaryotic pangenomes and robust to imperfect gene annotations.

Pangene is a work-in-progress. It may not be properly handling corner cases during graph construction. Please create an issue if you see bugs or questionable subgraphs.

Graph Construction

Pangene takes a list of protein-to-genome alignment as input. To generate these alignments, you need to align the same set of proteins to multiple genomes. How to choose the protein set can be tricky.

Preparing a protein set

For constructing a human pangene graph, the simplest choice is to use annotated genes on GRCh38. It is highly recommended to name a protein sequence like RGPD6:ENSP00000512633.1 where RGPD6 is the gene name and ENSP00000512633.1 is the protein identifier. Different isoforms of the same gene can be present in the protein set. Pangene is designed to work with them. In the output GFA, nodes are named after genes. You would want to use human-readable gene names for visualization later.

Due to structural variations, some individuals may have genes distinct from the gene annotations on the reference genome. In principle, it is preferred to include structurally variable genes in the protein set. Nonetheless, such genes are rare in the human genome. You can still get decent pangene graphs with reference gene annotations only.

For a new species without good gene annotations, you may use protein annotations from a closely related species. You may pool proteins from multiple closely related species as well. Pangene aims to work with such input but this use case has not been carefully evaluated.

Given a bacteria pangenome, you may predict genes with existing tools, cluster them with CD-HIT or MMseqs2 and feed the representative protein of each cluster to pangene. This apparently works for ~150 complete Mycobacterium tuberculosis genomes but again, more evaluation is needed.

Aligning proteins to genomes

Pangene currently only works with miniprot's PAF output. You may align proteins to each genome with:

miniprot --outs=0.97 --no-cs -Iut16 genomeX.fna proteins.faa > genomeX.paf

For aligning proteins to bacterial genomes without splicing, add -S to the command line above.

Constructing a pangene graph

The following command-line constructs a pangene graph

pangene *.paf > graph.gfa

If the output graph is cluttered in the Bandage viewer, you may add option -a2 to filter out edges supported by a single genome. By default, pangene filters out genes occurring in less than 5% of the genomes after deredundancy. If you want to retain low-frequency genes, add -p0 to disable the filter.

Graph Visualization

You can look at the entire graph in the Bandage GFA viewer. Bandage shows the topology but not the haplotype paths. When you are interested in a specific gene, you would probably like to try the gfa-server that is part of gfatools. Here is a public server for human genes. You can deploy this server on your machine with

curl -L https://zenodo.org/record/8126999/files/pangene-r87-bin.tar.bz2?download=1|tar -jxvf -
cd pangene-r87-bin
bin_mac-arm64/gfa-server -d html data/HPRC-r87a.gfa.gz 2> server.log # for Mac

Then you can open link in your browser, type gene names and visualize a local subgraph around input genes.

The gfa-server is built on top of gfatools. You can directly use gfatools to extract subgraphs:

gfatools view -wl C4A,C4B -r3 graph.gfa > subgraph.gfa

Here, -w tries to flip gene paths to the same orientation, -l specifies the list of gene names and -r extracts nearby genes. If you put gene names in a file list.txt, you may use

gfatools view -wl @list.txt -r3 graph.gfa > subgraph.gfa

You can visualize subgraphs at a online gfatools viewer.


  • In general, more testing needed.

  • Pangene only works with miniprot's PAF output.

  • In the output graph, arcs on W-lines may be absent from L-lines.


WIP: Constructing a pangenome gene graph


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