qingquansong / CSCE689


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Instrument-Playing Action Detection in Videos


  • Download videos and train/test splits here.
  • Convert from avi to jpg files using utils/video_jpg_ucf101_hmdb51.py
python utils/video_jpg_ucf101_hmdb51.py avi_video_directory jpg_video_directory
  • Generate n_frames files using utils/n_frames_ucf101_hmdb51.py
python utils/n_frames_ucf101_hmdb51.py jpg_video_directory
  • Generate annotation file in json format similar to ActivityNet using utils/ucf101_json.py
    • annotation_dir_path includes classInd.txt, trainlist0{1, 2, 3}.txt, testlist0{1, 2, 3}.txt
python utils/ucf101_json.py annotation_dir_path

HW4: Run the code & get the results & retrive the final model (in google drive)

You can directly download the pretrained model and the preprocessed music instrument UCF dataset here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hg_n3NCw2j2msYdzEmdRHBunCgM4J3qX?usp=sharing. You need to unzip the folder and put all of the content in the unfolded directory including “video” and “pretrain” into your root folder and change the root path in the code in order to run your code. To run the code, you can follow the youtube video https://youtu.be/59WkfOapAj8 to run the jupyter notebook “CSCE689 HW4 Song 625007598 Training Script.ipynb” and get your results (train.log, valid.log) in the “results1” folder (you may need to make a new directory named “results1”) or you can also run the “mymain.py” file in the command line. Also, you can directly get all the log result from the Google drive folder “results1” https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hg_n3NCw2j2msYdzEmdRHBunCgM4J3qX?usp=sharing. The final model is also there with name: "save_50.pth", meaning it is the model trained with 50 epochs. The required figures could be get by running the jupyter script “Generate Figure.ipynb” or you can also check it in the “figs” and “figs2” folders.

HW5: Run the code & get the results & retrive the final model (in google drive)

You can directly download the pretrained model and the preprocessed music instrument UCF dataset here https://drive.google.com/open?id=18Uf0FKnVXg_kFHum_SH1cgOoKbRfhguL. You need to unzip the folder and put “video” and “pretrain” into your root folder and change the root path in the code in order to run your code. And then put "features" under the same path as the “CSCE689 HW5 Song 625007598 Training Script.ipynb".

To run the code, you can follow the youtube video https://youtu.be/rEwFxqJUxYo to run the jupyter notebook “CSCE689 HW5 Song 625007598 Training Script.ipynb” and get your results directly in the jupyter notebook. The required figures could be get by running the jupyter script “Generate Figure HW5.ipynb” or you can also check it in the “hw5_results” folders.

HW6: Run the code & get the results & retrive the final model (in google drive)

You can directly download the pretrained model and the extracted features here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12vGMRcHILrYC6JtAed_2Ic5cxkJXNgc1?usp=sharing. You need to unzip the folder and put “pretrain” and "features_ucf_all" into your root folder and change the root path in the code in order to run your code. We don't provide the raw data and you may need to prepocess the UCF data using the way listed above and then change all the labels to binary label (music instrumental playing video: 1, other: 0).

To run the code, you can follow the youtube video https://youtu.be/jqG5H_MTdSs to run the jupyter notebook “CSCE689 HW6 Song 625007598 Training Script UCF.ipynb” and get your results directly in the jupyter notebook. The required figures could be get by running the jupyter script “Generate Figure HW6.ipynb” or you can also check it in the “hw6_results” folders.


  1. The codes are only tested on ubuntu 16.04 system with 2 GPU (GeForce RTX 2080 Ti), CUDA Version: 10.2, torch 1.4.0. You should specify the GPU environment in the code line os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']='0,1' in order to make it work. If you you one GPU, for example, ``os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']='0', you should use smaller batch size in order to make the memory available.

  2. The final model for hw5 is an ensemble model of two pretrained model (3-D ResNeXt 101 and 3-D ResNet50) and a stacked linear SVM regressor. When you want to run the model on the new dataset, don't forget to extract the features of all videos (training, validation, test) on the new data before you train or test the linear SVM model.



License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 90.7%Language:Python 9.2%Language:Shell 0.1%